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    Fu Hanhai paralyzed in the booth and recalled, "What can happen, besides drinking or drinking... Hey, no, he met No. 08 here, and they got together that night." "What No.

    08 ?” Pauline became interested.

    Is it because Ji Xu has been so abnormal recently because he has someone he misses in his heart, but as soon as this idea appeared in his mind, he was rejected by himself.

    Although Ji Xu wanted to find a robot as a nanny, he was more like a robot than a secretary.

    Maybe only robots can't take care of themselves.

    Fu Hanhai also had a headache, he didn't know what happened to Ji Xu and No. 08, he didn't even know who sent Ji Xu away that day.

    Ji Xu kept his mouth shut.

    But Ji Xu is only fragmented.

    Fu Hanhai asked Pauline again, "Sister Lin, what are you bothering about? Isn't Ji Xu's work ability very good? It shouldn't be that troublesome to be his subordinate." Pauline rubbed her temples

    , "Mr. Fu, you don't know. Since his secretaries resigned one by one, Mr. Ji has become a little distracted. Anyway, he is not satisfied with everything and has a bad temper. I think he has an unbalanced testosterone secretion. Time to get married."

    Fu Hanhai smiled heartlessly, "Don't, don't let him get married. When he gets angry with his wife, he will be even more eccentric when he returns to the company. You guys will feel better." Pauline sighed, and she

    rarely The thing that can't be done, but just the matter of recruiting a secretary, has to catch up with the emperor's 3000 beauties in expanding the harem, and there is no one who can make Ji Xu feel satisfied.

    But Pauline didn't dare to publish the recruitment rules on the Internet. It would make people think that their boss had something wrong and had some special hobbies. This was not a normal secretary at all.

    Maybe it's just looking for a high-priced lover.

    But only Pauline knows that Ji Xu's secretary is really just a secretary, if he dares to have thoughts about him, even if he pays you three times the liquidated damages, you will leave.

    Ji Xu is now dissatisfied with Pauline's work efficiency, and feels that it doesn't matter if everyone misunderstands him. He doesn't care, he just wants a secretary.

    So Pauline also began to slowly release the recruitment requirements, first releasing some of the non-funny ones, such as age, education and appearance requirements.

    But it is not published publicly on the Internet, only for specific groups of people to see.

    Fu Hanhai read Ji Xu's secretary rules, and laughed mercilessly on the spot.

    "I said this guy is sick, right? Even if he's looking for a wife, he can't do it. He's looking for a secretary who works as a bed warmer and babysitter. This guy is really greedy." Pauline: "

    You Don’t laugh, it’s like watching the excitement, if you see a suitable candidate, remember to recommend it to me, he mainly wants to be good-looking, otherwise he will be eliminated in the first round, so I think to go to those group performances After a search, there are still some art students who have failed the rankings. Those who can endure hardships and stand hard work may be suitable."

    Fu Hanhai held the recruitment rules in his hand and said, "Okay, you can rest assured and leave it in my hands. Once you meet If it is suitable, I will help you to inquire about it."

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