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    Before Ji Xu noticed anything, he felt that he might not be really drunk, otherwise how could he have forgotten to lock the door.

    No... I didn't plan to do anything just now, it would be even more strange to lock the door.

    Chen Zhili was already covered by the quilt, but now Ji Xu was pressed on the big bed again, so he couldn't see him under the quilt.

    Afraid that he would make a sound, Ji Xu covered his mouth.

    It was the nanny who came in. Seeing that Ji Xu was going to sleep, she made a fuss and said, "Master, that friend of yours... really disappeared."

    Ji Xu's palm was licked by the wet and hot tip of his tongue, and he pinched the face of the person under him as a signal He doesn't make trouble, "It's okay, I'm just drunk and can't run out. I'll go down and look for it later...you go to sleep." The nanny is old and has lived at

    home for many years. Just like the elders, she often When she was not at home, she helped to clean up, and she would be angry if she didn't let them in. Ji Xu rarely came back, so she simply let her go.

    It's just that this habit of not knocking on the door... I'm afraid it needs to be changed.

    As soon as the nanny left, Ji Xu got up to lock the door, but Chen Zhili refused to let him go at first, like a child who couldn't leave his mother.

    Ji Xu thought, this is really exhausting.


    But Ji Xu wondered why Chen Zhili's attitude suddenly became cold, and looked down at himself.

    Ji Xu: "..."

    It seems that he is not in a good state

    and must be scared by the nanny.

    Virgins are prone to problems for the first time.

    But Ji Xu has never wanted to face this matter directly. When Ji Shuangman gave him guidance, he said that it is good to try boldly. If there are no obstacles in normal times, it is not an organic obstacle, but a psychological one.

    As long as you don't get nervous, don't stress too much, and the environment is relaxed and pleasant, then you'll be fine.

    Ji Xu has always kept these teachings in mind, but he will always remember... remembering the first time Tong threw himself into his arms when he was drunk.

    The beautiful secretary didn't drink well at that time, and Ji Xu didn't have any doubts about his sexuality.

    At that time, he couldn't tell whether Ji Tong was seducing him on purpose or because he was drunk. Anyway, he repeatedly warned the other party not to have unnecessary feelings and to work hard. Ji Tong's attitude was also very sincere, saying that he was only dedicated to work.

    The drunken secretary's gaffe makes people angry, but what makes Ji Xu angry the most is that he doesn't seem to respond at all to the unconscious temptation of the beautiful secretary.

    Usually it's fine, why this time...just...huh?

    Who said that men are lower-body animals? But it makes sense anyway, whether you like it or not, it is normal to have a little reaction when you are stimulated, and it is not controlled by the brain.

    But Ji Xu seemed to be broken and didn't respond.

    At that time, Ji Xu was in his early twenties, and he had also forced himself to be wiped out before, which caused the sage's time to be extended by more than a month.

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