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    Chen Zhili entered the room with a feeling of apprehension.

    During this week, I made eye contact with Ji Xu many times, and it was a very shy collision.

    He thought that the two of them were going to have a spark, but now Chen Zhili felt that Ji Xu probably wanted to settle accounts with him.

    Forbid him to act so motherly again.

    Unexpectedly, as soon as Chen Zhili entered, Ji Xu said nervously, "Close the door."

    Chen Zhili: "..."

    It's over.

    Really going to be targeted.

    Ji Xu looked up and saw that the door was closed, and beckoned to Chen Zhili mysteriously, "Come here."

    Chen Zhili: "..."

    There was something blocking Ji Xu's computer desk.

    What is so well hidden? Is it a dismissal agreement?

    It was difficult for Chen Zhili to walk step by step, Ji Xu impatiently said, "Come here."

    Chen Zhili moved his head to the desk with anxiety and looked, "Huh? Small cake?"

    Another small mousse cake.

    Hidden so fucking tight.

    Thought it was a bomb.

    Ji Xu said seriously, "Afternoon tea."

    Chen Zhili was frightened to death, patted his chest and said, "So it's afternoon tea, is there any more? I'll go outside and share it."

    Ji Xu whispered, "Go out after eating, just go out This one."


    Damn, it's so basic.

    Chen Zhili asked Ji Xu with his eyes: Boss, do you like me?

    The limelight of office romances outside is on the rise, so don't drag me into the water.

    "Afternoon tea...is it just me?" Chen Zhili felt unbelievable.

    Ji Xu didn't know how to treat someone well.

    He wanted to be nice to Chen Zhili, but he didn't want the media to catch Chen Zhili and affect his life.

    I also don't want Chen Zhili to be difficult in the company.

    So all he could think of was to secretly make a small fuss for Chen Zhili.

    Ji Xu: "Well...the cake is a gift from shopping, just one, go out after eating."

    Chen Zhili picked up the cake and stood there and took a bite when the office door was pushed open.

    But it scared Chen Zhili and Ji Xu to death.

    Today, Chen Zhili understood why Ji Xu would knock on the door first and then twice when asking people to enter the office, knocking on the door when he came up, and entering without knocking, it would really scare people to death.

    Especially when people are guilty.

    Le Yang glanced at Chen Zhili's cake in disbelief, and then at Ji Xu.

    Chen Zhili felt that the Alexander he ate almost had indigestion.

    Ji Xu swallowed quietly, and when he raised his head, he showed an impatient expression. He asked Le Yang, "What's the matter?"

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