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    Chen Zhili took care of the hospital staff and even prepared fake cases.

    I always feel that fooling Ji Xu now is just one by one, because Ji Xu has a little blind trust and dependence on himself.

    If I had to describe it exactly, it would be pampering.

    Presumably the favored person really has nothing to fear.

    Even those who are in online dating are not as diligent as the two of them in the past few months, and the young man who is just in love is not as clingy as Ji Xu recently.

    Ji Xu can even say that Chen Zhili, who can be said to be his favorite now, does not need to draft drafts for bragging and lying.

    Even if he was found out, Chen Zhili could guarantee that as long as he acted like a baby, nothing would happen.

    The main reason is that the email is not easy to explain.

    Because before entering the operating room, Chen Zhili even signed something similar to a life and death certificate.

    The risk of the operation is too great, and the doctor can neither guarantee that he will survive, nor that the child can survive, even if there are successful cases.

    So at that time, Chen Zhili set up an email to be sent regularly, the recipient was Ji Xu, and the content was just two words, [loved. 】

    If I don't come out alive, the email will be sent regularly, which will definitely deal a heavy blow to Ji Xu.

    No matter who Ji Xu falls in love with in the days to come, he will always remember that there was a man who once loved him.

    Chen Zhili knew that it was vicious to do so, and he wanted to let Mr. Ji live in his shadow, but he left because of this man's child anyway, people can't die in vain.

    Anyway, when Chen Zhili signed the contract, he felt that he had a great mentality.

    Of course, if you come out alive, you should quickly intercept the email. Unfortunately, I was a little flustered at the time, and I didn't expect to set the wrong sending time.

    I don't know how to explain it to Ji Xu then.

    Chen Zhili's child can't be taken to China because he is too young.

    It's a handlebar.

    Chen Zhili couldn't give birth to the baby as smoothly as a woman, and for the safety of himself and the baby, he could only cut it out when the baby was less than seven months old.

    The baby is now in the premature delivery room, and there are special staff to take care of it, and Chen Zhili has no milk to feed him, so he can only keep throwing money into it and ask the hospital staff to take care of it.

    It is forbidden for people to go out casually in the ward of premature babies to prevent the temperature change and the child's lung infection caused by strangers entering back and forth. Chen Zhili only watched him twice through the outside window from a distance.

    I didn't think about what the child's name would be.

    Should the surname be Chen? If Ji Xu never knew it was his son's words too.

    The hospital nurse said that Chen Zhili's baby is relatively healthy among premature babies, and he can be discharged from the hospital for care when he grows to two kilograms.

    But Chen Zhili didn't dare, and he didn't know how to take care of the child. He wished he could let the child grow up healthy and healthy in the hospital until he was one year old before taking him out.

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