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    Chen Zhili didn't want to become as angry as he is now, and more importantly, Ji Xu didn't know why he was angry at all.

    You may even feel that there is no need to be angry about such a trivial matter.

    So Chen Zhili felt that Ji Xu was dishonest now, and he would be dishonest in the future.

    My son is only a few months old now, and in the future, will I be able to let myself guess more unscrupulously if I have my son Ji Xu?

    Chen Zhili felt depressed.

    Chen Zhili got off the car, Ji Xu drove to the garage, and sent Ji Shuangman a message before even opening the door.

    【Ji Xu: He seems to be angry. ]

    [Ji Shuangman:? 】

    【Ji Xu: I came to see him off just now, and said that we would go to the office together, but he disagreed. 】

    【Ji Xu: We prohibit office romances, but he is my secretary, so it is understandable for me to give him a ride. Is he too sensitive? He was afraid of being known about my relationship. 】

    【Ji Xu: I don't mean the kind of people who are afraid of people knowing within the regulations. He doesn't want to admit that he has something to do with me. Do you understand what I mean? ]

    Psychological counselor Ji Shuangman: I understand very well.

    [Ji Shuangman: You think too much. If he is afraid of people knowing, it is probably because of work problems, and you also have to consider the child. Are you planning to announce that the child was born by him? ]

    Ji Shuangman doesn't really suggest that Chen Zhili announce it.

    Because Chen Zhili is likely to find him for psychological counseling later on, the general idea is: I am a man who can have children, and now everyone thinks I am a monster. People look at me every day, and some people have some dangerous thoughts. I see I can't sleep with those vicious comments and stares, how can I redeem myself.

    Even his children have to accept the prying eyes of others, as well as the children's future families.

    The birth father has just given birth, and the imbalance of hormones in his body makes it easy to think wildly, guessing whether others are going to hurt his child. If he really tells others, it will only increase his sense of crisis.

    Of course, this is just Ji Shuangman's suggestion.

    Of course Ji Xu would respect Chen Zhili's decision.

    The child was born by Chen Zhili, so he naturally had 100% decision-making power, including the surname. Ji Xu had no objection, but Chen Zhili insisted that Ji Cheng's surname was Ji, for no other reason, he simply thought Ji was nice.

    What I heard from Chen Zhili before was that Chen Zhili didn't want people to know who the child's biological father was.

    Ji Xu can also understand that it is strange for a man to be able to bear children. It is already very difficult for the gay community to be accepted by society. It must be even more difficult for everyone to accept a man who can bear children.

    Chen Zhili definitely does not want to spend the rest of his life under everyone's probing and doubtful eyes.

    Ji Xu can give him enough protection and security, and the child will be very close to Chen Zhili.

    [Ji Xu: No decision yet, just listen to him. ]

    [Ji Shuangman: If there is no decision, no matter who the child is with on the surface, the two of you will have a certain impact on the child in the eyes of outsiders. The pressure of public opinion is actually necessary to conceal the relationship now. 】

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