Chapter 4: First Day Is A Doozy *Rewrote*

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The sun's warm rays gently filled the room, signaling the start of a new day at Beacon Academy. Jaune, aspiring to become a skilled knight, woke up from his slumber and quickly got dressed. He felt a surge of energy and decided to go for a jog around Beacon as part of his daily routine, determined to make up for the previous day. He spent a good three hours running before returning to the dorms, slightly exhausted but invigorated.

Upon his return, Jaune greeted his teammates Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora, who were already awake.

Pyrrha: Good morning, Jaune.

Ren: Morning.

Nora: Hey, leader!

Jaune: Good morning to you guys as well.

Jaune then headed to the shower to freshen up. While standing under the soothing water, he found himself lost in his thoughts about the responsibilities of being a leader and how he could support his team.

Jaune: I'll do my best to guide and help them become stronger.

After his shower, Jaune changed into his uniform and checked the time.

Jaune: It's 7:45 am. Guys, let's hurry. Class starts soon.

He informed his team, and they quickly finished their tasks before leaving the room. As they made their way down the hall, Jaune heard a commotion coming from Team RWBY's door. Curious about what was happening, he knocked on the door, and Ruby answered.

Ruby: Jaune? What do you need?

Jaune: Apologies for interrupting, but class starts in another 11 minutes. I just wanted to let you know.

Weiss: Wait, in 11 minutes?

Ruby: Thanks, Jaune! Give us a second...

After a brief pause, Team RWBY joined Jaune and his team, and they all headed to class together. The group maintained a steady pace since there was no need to rush, thanks to Jaune's timely notification. They arrived in Professor Port's class, where he was sharing stories about his encounters with Grimm. Jaune was captivated by his tales and eagerly took notes, finding inspiration in the professor's experiences.

Port: Monsters! Deeeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I simply refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!

Blake and Yang sat up, paying close attention, while Weiss diligently took notes. Ruby, on the other hand, propped her head on her hand, attempting to stay awake but eventually succumbing to a brief nap. Port continued his lecture, sharing valuable information about the Grimm and the importance of protecting those who cannot defend themselves.

Port: So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?

Weiss eagerly raised her hand.

Weiss: I do, sir!

Port: Well then, let's find out! Step forward and face your opponent!

A growl emerged from a nearby cage, catching everyone's attention.

Yang: Go, Weiss!

Blake waved a small flag with RWBY written on it.

Blake: Fight well!

Ruby chimed in with her own words of encouragement.

Ruby: Yeah, represent RWBY!

Weiss turned to Ruby, clearly annoyed.

Weiss: Ruby, I'm trying to focus!

Ruby felt a pang of guilt, realizing her attempts to help might have been distracting and irritating Weiss.

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