Chapter 65: Food Is The Best Medicine

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A day had passed since the massive Grimm force revealed themselves, causing panic among the people. However, thanks to Robyn and Ironwood's reassurances, they were eventually calmed down and evacuated to Atlas for safety. The group split up to help the people, Ruby with Blake, Weiss and Nora was with the Mantle residents trying to get them settle in as Yang with Oscar and Ren working below Atlas in Mantle to bring them to Atlas to keep them safe and thanks to the Schnee Dust Company spare ships, It was was easier and going faster.

Meanwhile, Jaune and Mordred were on the rooftop of one of the academy buildings, gazing at the distant Grimm whale and its army.



The silence was heavy.

Mordred: So, my king... Do we have to face the army?

She looked at him, and he nodded, confirming her suspicions.

Jaune: Yes, but we might receive some help if the Amity Tower is launched soon. It's still in its experimental stage.

Mordred: Not that we need help, but having an additional army to protect the people would be somewhat comforting.

Jaune smiled and affectionately rubbed her head.

Jaune: Have trust in James and his army.

She sighed, finding solace in his touch.

Mordred: What about Gilgamesh and Merlin? Can't they help?

Unfortunately, Jaune sighed and shook his head in disappointment.

Jaune: Gil won't involve herself unless it concerns her kingdom or something she cares deeply about. As for Merlin, she's currently in a place where she can only observe.

Mordred: How come?

Jaune: Let's just say she's unable to intervene physically at the moment.

Though it confused her, Mordred decided not to question further.

Mordred: What if we bring the other Knights?

Jaune contemplated the idea but expressed his concerns.

Jaune: That would leave our kingdom vulnerable, and we don't know what threats might come our way.

Mordred nodded, frustrated with their predicament.

Jaune: The kingdom is safe for now, or I would have sensed it, but...

His thoughts were interrupted as Ironwood appeared.

Ironwood: Ah, there you are, Jaune.

He walked up to them, and they raised their eyebrows in curiosity.

Jaune: Ironwood, do you need something?

Ironwood: I wanted to talk to you both.

He stood beside Jaune.

Ironwood: You've both done so much, and I value Mordred's opinion just as much as I do yours.

Mordred: Me?

Ironwood: Yes, your dedication to the cause is commendable.

Jaune: So, what do you want to discuss?

Ironwood: I'll get straight to the point. I plan to launch the Amity communication tower.

His announcement shocked them both.

Mordred: Now?!

Jaune: General, the tower is still in its experimental phase.

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