Chapter 53: Show Off.

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A Day has passed as Jaune informed Ironwood of Robyn agreement with the meeting as he thanks Jaune for his good work.

Jaune: That was all Sir.

Ironwood: Good work on doing this amazing work, Jaune.

He stood as they shook hands.

Jaune then leaves the office with Mordred again accompanying him as they were about walk pass the training room until they stopped as they heard things being destroyed and multiple voices, They open the door and looked inside to see the Ace-Ops was watching Ren being thrown around and slammed to the ground multiple times as Nora was cheering her loudest for Ren.

Jaune then leaves the office with Mordred again accompanying him as they were about walk pass the training room until they stopped as they heard things being destroyed and multiple voices, They open the door and looked inside to see the Ace-Ops wa...

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Jaune and Mordred walks in and stood next to everyone.

Jaune: Why is Ren being used as a rag doll?

Nora: Oh hey Jaune, Mordred!

Clover: He wished to test his strength and we were curious at how you all are going with your training.

Jaune: Understandable.

A Flying rag doll that was Ren then flown pass them all and slammed into the wall as he glows a bit before he falls to the ground.

Nora: Nearly won Ren...

Jaune: Ren. 

He slowly looked at as he heard his name to see Jaune and Mordred.

Mordred: How is it being a rag doll?

Ren: Not... Fun...

He plops his head back to the ground as Elm walks towards them laughing.

Elm: You are quite strong Kid But you still have so much more to learn Hahaha!

Grinning, She turned to Jaune.

Elm: We never seen you fight in here so want to test yourself against me?

Jaune: It has been a while since I fought someone so why not.

Mordred: You about to get destroyed by My King.

Elm only grinned as they walk in the room separated from each other.

Jaune: Do you now have a weapon?

Elm: Not right now as The Doc is getting some upgrades on it so I will be fighting with my hands.

She Punch her fist in her palm.

Elm: So prepare to served a knuckle sandwich!

Jaune: I see.

He sighs as he raises his right hand towards her as his left arm stayed by his side.

Jaune: Then I will as well fight with my hands.

Elm: Ain't you a swordman?

Jaune: I am but I wish to see whether my Hand techniques is still good so this will be a good moment to test it out.

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