RWBY X JL P2 IF: Chapter 4

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"It saddened me when I heard our friend Ruby say that Jaune was not with her or her team. Upon reflection, I forgotten that Jaune was not their Jaune from their world or universe but rather another parallel universe, or at least what Cyborg and Bruce explained to me and the others after witnessing the incident with that beast and discussing about it." Jessica looked up at Jaune in his stunning silver armor, captivated by the intricate patterns that reflected the sunlight streaming through the windows. His piercing emerald eyes met hers, creating an unspoken connection. Despite the armor, Jaune exuded a quiet strength and warmth. The hallway hum faded as they stood in momentary silence. Jaune broke it with a smile, asking, "Is there something wrong?" He looked confused when he felt her staring at him.

Jessica blushed from embarrassment before shaking her head, "No! No! Nothing wrong... I was just admiring your armor! Yeah, that..." She quickly defended and hid her true reason. Jaune did not mind and did not pressure her as he nodded, "Thank you. It was a gift presented by a certain spoiled rich woman" he jestingly chuckled, leaving Jessica puzzled.

They entered Jessica's room, which was somewhat big but not as large as Jaune's room within his Kingdom. Taking a look around, Jaune saw many posters of boy bands and a green banner with a green lantern along with a small hologram computer on a large table with a camera built for filming beside the computer. Jessica seemed slightly embarrassed as she noticed Jaune looking at her, which only increased the redness on her face.

"You like to take photos?" Jaune asked. Jessica blinked in confusion before looking at the camera on her desk. She walked over to her table and lifted up her camera, deciding that talking to Jaune without overthinking everything about him might help her from being embarrassed. "I used to work with Clark's co-worker, 'Lois Lane' Oh! She and Clark are journalists who work for the Daily Planet" she explained with a small smile on her face as she put down the camera.

"A journalist, huh? Did not expect that for him" Jaune commented to himself.

For the past hour, Jaune and Jessica caught up with each other. The time difference between their parallel universes was quite substantial. After being trapped in the simulation, it was only a week for Jessica and the Justice League, while it had been years for Jaune. "You became a real king?!" Jessica gasped in shock after Jaune explained the events within his life. He chuckled at the shocked Jessica, "That I am, as well as a proud father."

Time froze for Jessica as the word "Father" echoed through her mind. "H-Huh?" was the only word she could say out loud as she looked at Jaune, who had a soft but happy expression. "Things changed for me when I returned to my universe and visited many places. I just so happened to be with multiple beautiful women who were happy to settle with me, and here we are" he commented as he went on and on about how grateful he felt for the ladies in his life and their children.

Jessica could only listen as each word grew quieter and quieter. "I was too late... N-no..." She felt a surge of negative emotion flowing inside her. "I should head off to speak to Ruby. It gives me the greatest pleasure to see you well." Jaune stood up with a smile, patting her head as he made his way to her door.

"I.... I l-lost him...." Jessica could only whisper to herself. Jaune turned to look at her, thinking he heard her speaking. With Jessica's head still looking down and her hair covering her face, Jaune grew concerned. He slowly walked back to her and softly lifted her face to see tears welling up in her eyes and a gaze of sadness. "Jessica? What is wrong?"

Jaune lifted his hand and gently pushed back traces of her smooth hair away from her face. "S-Sorry!" Jessica looked away, and Jaune's worry only increased. He was about to sit down beside her and talk to her, but right before then, Jessica stood up, bowed slightly to Jaune in a Japanese apologetic gesture, and then quickly ran out of her room. "Jessica!" he called out, but there was no response as she left.


The room, once filled with joyful laughter, was now filled with somber silence. Jaune hesitated, looking around. He wanted to go after Jessica and find out what caused her to have this kind of reaction, but he ended up just believing that he might have done something to upset her. Resolving to find her soon and apologize for his actions, Jaune headed to the door to leave the room.

Making his way to the door, Jaune took notice of Mordred standing there with a soft smile as she walked to him. "Did not go well, huh?" Mordred questioned as Jaune shook his head, "I don't know what I did wrong, but I still need to apologize to Jessica for whatever I did" he stated with a plan in mind... "You heard everything huh?" Jaune asked Mordred who only smiled at him and stayed quiet for a few moments.

"How about I go talk to her, and you go talk to Red? She was not exactly happy with how things ended in the meeting, so perhaps you can help. Red is in the training room to the south of this building" Mordred said, kissing Jaune on the cheek. He sighed and nodded, "Thank you, Mordred. I may be rusty when it comes to talking to friends, Thanks for the help" Leaving the room, Mordred could only watch with a soft chuckle. "He really seems to miss talking to his friends... He has been traveling constantly to other worlds for Beast 666, and now with that mindset and meeting his... others... 'friends'  that is from a different universe... he has trouble speaking normally to them" she wondered in her mind before looking at the way that Jessica left and deciding to head down the hall to find her.

"That girl would probably gotten emotional after discovering about my Husband/King's current relationship status" Mordred had stayed to listen in on Jaune and Jessica's talk. She could never leave her King's side, even if he did not know she was there, "As right hand Knight for my beloved King and his wife, I will do my job to ease his duty" Mordred thought with a positive mindset as this is one of the duty that non of the knights has beside her which makes her extremely delightful.

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