Chapter 57: Fate Is Twisting

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A Day has passed since the accident in the party and the seat of the council being taken from Robyn and given to Jacque... Lately, Ironwood soldiers has been in Mantle patrolling the walls of the city a lot more then before as they need to stop any Grimm invasion that may come to the people, They would of been sent to patrol the streets of Mantle to keep everyone in line and to not cause a outbreak of negative emotions but Robyn despite still accepting that the fact that Jacque Schnee is the new councilor has spoken to Ironwood about allowing herself and her group instead to help keep Mantle calm as seeing solders patrolling the streets like how he recommended would only bring passive fear among everyone and this will only put them in a much worst position. 

She of course thanks Ironwood for all the support he gave her to get the council seat and how she wont forget it but now, She needs to accept that she lost her battle to improve the life style for the people of Mantle, She nor Anyone knew how Jacque won considering how much among of people gave their support to Robyn seat but it would seem that the people might just want Jacque to be the new seat or perhaps they just wanted too have the Schnee owned businesses to re-open again.

Jaune and Mordred were talking to Robyn and her group as they were assisting them with helping the people to relax and stay calm, Until the Amity tower can be launched, They are sitting ducks in a low water well and just have to wait for the rain to help them out of their trouble.

Jaune: I do apologize for not doing enough to help you win the election Robyn.

Robyn: No... I am the one to blame, I most likely never did enough to convince the people of Mantle to show that I am doing my best to help them all.

Fiona: Please dont blame yourself Robyn... You deserve that seat more then anyone but....

May: Let just continue on with what we do best and help the people, We will have to figure out that issue another day.

Joanna: Hm.

Robyn: Yeah, Jaune... Mordred, Thank you both for helping today, You can go back to Atlas and relax for a bit and we'll let you know about the condition of the slums.

Jaune: Very well, Take Care Robyn and everyone.

Nodding, He turns and leaves as Mordred follows behind him as Robyn group looks down and sighs as they really believed that Robyn would be the winner and the people of Mantle will get the support they need. The General help is something they are relying on as their supplies are getting lowered every day as Trying to please the people and take care of their health does take a lot more supplies then originally thought which is why Jaune and Mordred was down there trying to help the amount of supplies being used as Jaune Semblance is coming into clutches when dealing with Illness or any physical pain in the body.

Jaune and Mordred made their way back in Atlas as they leave the Manta on the docks of the Academy as they head inside where they bumped into Yang and Blake.

Yang: Oh hey Jaune, Mordred.

Jaune: Hello, What have you guys been up too?

Yang: Sleepin-

Blake blushed as she covers Yang mouth.

Blake: Dont!

Jaune tilt his head in confusion as Yang winks at Jaune as Mordred sends a glare at Yang.

Jaune: Sleeping?

Blake: Nothing! So Jaune! How is Robyn and her group?

Finally releasing her hands from Yang mouth who then moved beside Jaune side and whispers something to him as Blake eyes widen as she realized what Yang were about to say.

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