Chapter 55: Training Session STARTS!

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5 Days has passed since the meetings of the General and Robyn and their alliance. Currently, Jaune has been training his team, Team RWBY and Oscar in the training room after it was fixed which caused Ironwood to laugh when he found out why...

Jaune was now teaching Nora on how to control Lightning to certain part of her body part so she doesn't suffer from a short burst of electrical shock and suppress the risk of damaging the body.

Nora: So try to control and suppress the electricity?

Jaune: Yeah, Take bits of electricity at a time and try to control it and then slowly add more in your body as this way that you grow resistant the the shocks and helps to grow your semblance.

Nora: I see....

Jaune: The more you train it the more stronger it gets and the higher capability your body will allow you too hold as Semblance is like muscles as the more you train it the stronger it gets the the better it adapts to the higher intensity level of stress. Dont take too much as when you feel like it is too much then release it but not in a out least like a bomb but a hose, Bit by bit.

Later on, He was training Ren while Nora learns to control the electricity.

Jaune: So you say how You have been feeling something while meditating and using your semblance right?

Ren: Yes, Everything feels empty until people come close as they seem to have different colors of pedals floating around them...

Jaune: You can mask others emotion in the area if you tried hard and concentrated and now you are able to see color... You may have been seeing the souls or perhaps emotions like a Grimm....

He then gained a Idea.

Jaune: Mordred.

Mordred walks towards Jaune.

Mordred: Yeah My King?

Jaune: Okay Ren, Use it now and tell me what you see after a bit from looking at Mordred.

Ren relaxed and concentrated as he looks at Mordred for a bit as he had a complex and confused look as Jaune noticed it before turning to Mordred.

Jaune: Mordred, Now imagine what would you feel if I happen to be attacked by someone.

Mordred: W-What?!

Jaune looks at Ren who seem to snap back into reality as he steps back sweating.

Jaune: Thanks Mordred, Now Ren, What did you see.

Ren: S-She was at first yellow then she suddenly became red that looked like fire and it felt like it was burning me.

He looks at his hand as he didn't feel like he was on fire which was good.

Jaune: I get it now...

Ren: You Do?

Jaune: Seem like you are under going a Semblance awakening which not only allow you to mask others emotions but you are now able to see their emotions. That fire Red that felt like was burning you was Mordred intense Emotions so now you just have to keep using it and figure out what color means what.

Ren: Amazing.... Thanks Jaune...

He seem to smiling slightly as he seem very much proud on this as Jaune nods with a smile as Mordred was calming herself down after thinking on what Jaune said for her too think.

Now, Jaune was smacking Oscar around the place with a wooden cane as Oscar groans as he slowly got up.

Oscar: Does it have to hurt so much when you train me...

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