Chapter 6: Get To Know You Activity

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Around A Few Months Has Pass as It Is Now Saturday. During that Time, Yang Seemed to be getting closer as She would sometime turn to Ruby and do something that would cause Irritation as Ruby had a Annoyed Smile. Those Two are indeed acting weird for the pass Days Though Jaune Never took too much notice to do as He Was Working with His Team and Planning in train In the Weekend. Eventually They left to a forest called Forever Fall Forest to collect Jam As It Was a Peaceful time as they all gotten extra jam as Ren cooked some food with it as most of it went to Nora and Jaune .

Team CRDL Seem to be Calmed down as they haven't bullied Anyone. Jaune Was Actually the one to Inform Ozpin and asked him for a favor to be in the cafeteria since a sneaking Suspension told him that something was about to happen. 

As A Right Of this moment, Team RWBY Went into Vale so Weiss Can Greet The New Students that's Arriving today as for the Vytal Festival was Getting close so the Students of All Region Like Mistral, Atlas And Vacou are Arriving. Team JNPR Is Now In The Amphitheater Training As Pyrrha And Jaune Clash with Ren and Nora Watching. Jaune And Pyrrha Would of been fighting for around 20 Minutes straight as they also seemed to be Equals as Pyrrha was smiling when the Match Got longer and the harder she had to try. Jaune was keeping a steady and concentrating look as he was Gripping the Sword Mist Handle and Then Slice Upwards where Pyrrha Step the side and Sent a Slash but would Blocked By Jaune as they Continue to clash. 

Nora: Hey Ren.

Ren: Yes Nora?

Nora: What Did Jaune Say About His Sword? Since My Memories of that day is has Foggy as that Sword.

Ren: Well, He Explain How Jaune Always Has It Concealed In Aura And Will Only Ever Release The Aura If The Situation Become Dire. 

Nora: So Like... It Has to be dangerous if that was the case to be used as a trump Card but... How Can a Weapon Be Dangerous to that Degree, Its Just a Sword. It Doesn't have some sort of Mage Craft to it and seals where He need to be facing a Remnant Destroying Being that Is Like A God or something.

Ren: Nora... Who Gave You Coffee...?

Nora: Ahhhhhh....... Anywayyy~

Ren only Sighed.

Nora: what would happen if Jaune Loses and have his Aura Destroyed, Wouldn't that mean that his sword will be Revealed then?

Ren: I Presume So... It Only Make sense for that to happen Unless there was a Device to Project Something Like an Aura constantly Covering the sword then I Dont Know.

Nora: Ah, I See. Oh! Look, Jaune Won!

During Nora and Ren talk, Jaune and Pyrrha was fighting and with the Final Slash, Jaune Cut down Pyrrha Aura to the Red as He Wins the spar.

Pyrrha was on the ground smiling as Jaune was Puffing out of breathe as he point his Air Sword at her.

Jaune: I... Win.

He Falls Back and Sits Down as Pyrrha would do the same as They Both Share A Laugh. 

Pyrrha: You Win... This Time, 19:17. You only winning By 2 Points...

Jaune: Heh, Seem Like You Will Need More Training~ 

Pyrrha: Oh My, How Bold Of You~ Will You Help~

Jaune: If you ask then sure.

Pyrrha: Then let Rest and train Together on another date.

Jaune nods as They Smiled as they get up as Nora was Clapping.

Nora: Woooo! That's Our Leader!

Ren smiles.

Ren: Both Of You Guys Fought Honorable, Good work.

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