Chapter 62: Improvements Shown By Actions

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The streets of Mantle are thrown into chaos as hordes of Grimm overrun the city. Buildings crumble under their relentless assault, and panic-stricken citizens desperately seek shelter. Amidst the mayhem, Jaune crashes into the road, fracturing it beneath him, and swiftly dispatches a Grimm he had gripped, its neck snapping in his grasp. Rising to his feet, Jaune surveys the scene, his gaze narrowing upon the approaching Grimm. With a deep breath, he charges forward.

The first Sabyr Grimm creature lunges at Jaune, its razor-sharp claws poised to strike. In a fluid motion, he parries the attack, skillfully deflecting the claws with his mist blade. The ground trembles as he counterattacks, delivering a powerful slash that cleaves the Grimm in two.

Undeterred by the growing number of Grimm surrounding him, Jaune's determination remains unwavering. He moves with remarkable agility, evading their attacks with precision. Each swing of his sword cuts through the creatures, his movements exuding both swiftness and grace.

As he releases some of his pent-up negative emotions, the Grimm sense his presence and converge upon him. Jaune sprints through the streets, punching threw the wall that him and Mordred built awhile ago to protect the city, He did this so the Grimm can go through the hole and go after him and only him. To his surprise when he ran out of town with Grimm chasing him, he witnesses a horde of Grimm piling up on the walls, using one another to breach the barriers. Their ingenuity sparks a momentary pause in his thoughts.

Jaune: Hm...

The horde of Grimm fixates its attention on Jaune, their relentless charge intensifying. However, he is no longer emanating the negative emotions that initially drew them. Could it be that they are tracking him for another reason? Salem, perhaps? Jaune sets aside the question for later contemplation, focusing on the immediate threat at hand.

Suddenly, Mordred's voice breaks through the chaos, calling out to Jaune from above. She effortlessly dispatches a flying Grimm before landing gracefully beside him. Together, they stand side by side, watching as waves of Grimm unleash their fury upon them.

Jaune: Sabyrs, Megoliaths, Beowolves and Usai's...

He glances at Mordred, who has now donned her armor, a grin forming beneath his own newly equipped armor.

He glances at Mordred, who has now donned her armor, a grin forming beneath his own newly equipped armor

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Jaune: I will be relying on you My Knight.

Mordred grinned as her sword starts to glow.

Mordred: I will show you my loyalty and strength My King!

Mordred: I will show you my loyalty and strength My King!

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