Andre Miller 12 The Halo

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It had been 4 weeks since Andre had been released from the hospital after a hypertensive crisis. Frankie, Tilly, Kyle, and Caleb, had been running their business, Infinity Brand Ltd., without him while he recovered.

Andre and Caleb were sitting in the local homeowner association monthly meeting, and Caleb was grinning like a cat about to eat a canary.

"What are you up to Caleb?" asked Andre.

"Wait for it." He said.

"If there isn't any other business," said the chairman, Ron Brooks.

"Actually, Mr. Chairman," interjected Caleb, "I have something I'd like to say."

"The chair recognizes Mr. Murry of 466 Walnut Road. Go ahead, sir." Said, Brooks.

"Since we moved here 5 months ago, we've very much enjoyed living in this community. It has great people, wonderful parks, and is very well cared for. The only shadow that sits over our fair community is the HOA Monitor, Mrs. Merriweather." He spoke. "Since we've been here, I've been talking with the other residents and almost every one of them has one horror story or another about how Mrs. Merriweather has made their stay here considerably more difficult. I, myself, have documented no less than 20 instances where she has needlessly brought causeless harassing claims against myself, my family, and my property."

He continued "I have statements signed by members of the HOA stating how they have been harassed, I also have 11 signed statements from former residents of the HOA, who have since moved away, on how part of the reason they moved was the interference and horrible attitude of Mrs. Merriweather. As per page 41, section 5, paragraph 9, I would like a vote to remove Mrs. Merriweather as HOA monitor and volunteer for the position myself. Aside from the statements, I have absentee ballots from 14 members of the HOA, allowed by page 62, section 2, paragraph 4, agreeing with the vote and my appointment to the position. I call for a vote sir."

Mrs. Merriweather suddenly looked ready to explode.

Mr. Brooks was busily flipping through the HOA charter to the pages and clauses. "Mr. Murry has it right by the rules of the HOA charter. Mrs. Merriweather, do you have anything to say in your defense before a vote is called?"

Several of the residents had pulled out their phones and were recording the red-faced woman having a near-apoplectic fit. It took her several moments for her to find her voice. "Mr. Chairman this is ridiculous. This, this... man, has just barely moved here and has had multiple infractions,"

"All of which have been baseless," said Caleb.

"You shut up! While it's true that the infractions turned out to be unwarranted, I've served this community for over 2 decades, weeding out the problems of the community. We've won multiple community awards because of me!" she was in full rage, her finely manicured makeup starting to smudge and her mascara beginning to run. "This...," there was a pregnant pause in her tirade "man... has no idea what is required to run this HOA as I do!"

"Actually Mrs. Merriweather, I, run this HOA." Said Mr. Brooks.

"You know what I meant! He has no idea the values that we have here, he's from the north for God's sake!"

"I think we've heard enough, Mrs. Merriweather." Interjected Mr. Brooks.

"He has no clue what it takes, the dedication..." she shouted.

"That's enough!" Mr. Brooks shouted back. "Control yourself, or I'll ask you to leave. Now. A vote has been called. 14 votes have been registered for Mr. Murry. All present who would see the position of HOA monitor taken over by Mr. Murry raise your hand."

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