Andre Miller 72 The Accusations

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"Hello, Andre. I hope you're well rested." Fontaine said as Andre entered the interrogation chamber.

"Hello, Fontaine. I'd say it was good to see you, but I'm going to be as honest as possible during our interactions."

"A refreshing change of pace from our usual cat and mouse. If you don't mind, I want to ask a few questions as we go in counterpoint to your questions for the Gestapo." She laughed lightly.

"Provided I'm allowed, I'm fine with that." He answered.

"Good, before we start, I've been curious, how did you consistently mess with our computers?" she asked.

"You can answer that." Came Becker's voice over his earpiece.

"We sent a misting humidifier as an opening gift. Inside were 4 storm elementals charged with frying all electronics they came across starting with your servers. They came out at night and then hid back in the humidifier during the day. The second time we had them infiltrate the building at night and hide in the ventilation shafts."

"I remember that humidifier. I always thought it was an eyesore, but Kline was fond of it so it stayed. That was clever. So shall we begin?"

"Your clock starts now." Said Becker.

"Who is the opposition, do you know their name or have a description? I need as much information on them as possible to stop what's coming."

"I never met them directly. They were either in the shadows or in a different room like your handler. I heard them referred to a couple of times as Jay, but I'm not sure if that's a name or an initial. Every time I heard their voice it was modulated. They were extremely careful not to let anything slip about when I was, how much time had passed, or any other detail."

"What about their coconspirators?" asked Andre.

"There we seven of them over the three years. Three for the entire time, and four who were there for part of it. The names I managed to find out were Jordan, He was there for all three years, he was a tall black man with a thin beard and dark eyes. Grace was a short pudgy woman, she was there for about a year I think near the end, who I believe was a summoner of some ability. She had a fire elemental familiar with her that she used as a prodding stick against me whenever she felt I wasn't answering her fast enough or as completely as possible. Finally, there was Finley, He was only there a few months near the beginning, he was a medium-sized white man with a scar over his right eye. I gave that to him at our first meeting. He was rather free with his hands and tried to take advantage of my bound state. Two others interrogated me, one I thought of as shades because he always had these ridiculous snowboarder sunglasses on, and the other was a tall willowy woman with a scalpel. She asked questions and if she was displeased with the answer, she would make a small cut with the knife. I'm not sure when they were there, somewhere near the middle I think, time wasn't consistent. Sleep was sporadic. The torture lasted hours sometime, minutes for others."

"What did they ask about, in general?"

"You. Frankie, as well, but primarily they wanted to know about Andre Miller. I must have been asked the same questions about you a hundred times. They branched out into the people you were connected to sometimes, who were Tilly, or Kyle, or Conroy. Later they wanted to know about this Kris person, but I know nothing about them as they joined you after we lost contact the second time."

What did they want to know about me?" Andre asked.

"Everything. Habits, how you thought, routines, the kind of clothes you wore, what kind of walking gate you had. Some things were very specific, like your full name. By the way, I always thought Perseus was a fitting middle name for you. Andre Perseus Miller, very fitting for a strong and worthy, if annoying opponent." She replied.

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