Andre Miller 44 The Aftermath

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Several hours later, to everyone's surprise, the first of the prisoners arrived, wings hobbled, wrists and ankles bound, it was brought to its knees near the yard. It wasn't struggling, and its face was a mask of the deepest shame. Soon more began to follow, each carried by two warriors, set next to its companions, at first, it was ones and twos, the fives, then tens. Each the same, some wept, some prayed, but all were deep in the throws of guilt and shame. By noon the yard was surrounded by a field of prisoners. There must have been hundreds of them. The guards from Prolanacle's army spoke to those who brought in the shamed in the tongue of celestials, but Andre could only make out part of it.

He asked the nearest, "How goes the battle? Why are their prisoners? I thought the fallen only had one fate?"

"The brothers and sisters you see were misled, they were blinded by Entole and his ego-driven zealotry. When confronted by the general's army, when they realized that they were among the truly fallen, they surrendered and begged for a swift and final death. The general in his wisdom will take them to the heavens and they will be made into the penitent. They will serve in the places of the slain for eternity never knowing the grace of the heavens, but seeing it each day."

"I've heard of the penitent in legends, and myths, but I didn't think they truly existed. Tell me, do you know if Hoziha of the 5th host survived? He was one of the first to realize what had happened."

"I do not. But I shall enquire after him with the next wave of the penitent. I am Rociel warrior of the 2nd host, and I am at your service." She bowed and then went back to walking the perimeter of the captured celestials.

Andre went back into the house, "We have TV back," said Conroy, "It's bad son."

Andre walked into the living room and the news was reporting battles all across Birmingham. A wave of man-on-man violence without obvious cause. Hundreds of rioters were out in the street attacking each other at random. The reporter was surrounded by members of the MPD with shields pushing back the nearest rioters as they came close and shocking those who were too persistent. There was no mention of celestials or demons thankfully, just senseless violence. Businesses and other buildings burned and the fire department was having difficulty getting to and extinguishing the fires. EMTs were escorted by police forces and were overwhelmed by the sheer amount of violence across the city.

"My gods, the conflict that must be happening to create such madness is hard to comprehend." Said Kris.

"Kris, are we winning?" Frankie asked.

She shuffled the deck and cut it twice and flipped a card, red. "So far it seems. But at what cost? There are going to be a hundred or more dead from the riots and the count of the dead or captured celestials will number in the thousands."

"Is there a way to tell how far into the city the fighting has gone?" Asked Kyle.

She shuffled again, black. "Not right now. We'll have to wait for it to end to find out how bad it is."

They watched the evolving news stories, and reporters from different parts of the city. So far it seemed the fighting was limited to the northern part of the city, but there were isolated pockets deeper into the city as well.

Later that day there was the sound of cursing and struggling from the yard. Prolanacle landed in the yard. "Andre of the House of Miller, open a portal so that we may start sending the penitent back to the heavens so they may begin their service and this one may face judgment."

There was a blue-skinned celestial hooded and hobbled, cursing, and thrashing against its bonds.

"Is that?" asked Andre as he stripped off his shirt.

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