Andre Miller 27 The Arrangement

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"I think the war just took a turn for the worse for Tchecha." Said, Andre.

"How so?" asked Caleb.

"Apparently there were over a hundred murders last night. Lots of drug dens, some bike clubs, and stuff like that. All stuff that would be associated with Brigon/ Chris." Andre Replied.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" asked Conroy.

"That's a good question," said Andre, "I'd say Retaletan just went on a massive offensive. That spells bad news for Tchecha but I'm not sure what it means for us,"

"Andre of the House of Miller, I would have words with you." Came a voice from the backyard.

"Here we go." Said Andre as he walked out the patio door to the yard. "I greet you Hoziha, warrior of the 5th host. What can I do for you today my friend."

"I bring news of the war between the two Infernal Houses. Retaletan has killed Brigon's Avatar along with more than a hundred powerful thralls and several dozen demons. They have brought a crushing offensive against Tchecha and we do not believe Brigon and his House will be able to recover from this blow. There have been defections from Tchecha into Retaletan before, but now it appears that there is a flood of converts out to save their own hides. We believe Birmingham will fall to Retaletan within the month at this rate." Spoke the celestial.

"This is, disturbing news. If the war ends, it's only a matter of time before Retaletan turns its eyes on us."

"If they do then we shall have to pluck them out." Said a third voice as Prolanacle descended from the sky and joined the two.

Hoziha took a knee, "My general, I greet you."

"Rise Hoziha of the 5th host. You may go back to your duties. I would have word with Andre of the House of Miller." Said Prolanacle, he was a general of the 1st host and was revered by the celestials of the lesser hosts.

"As you say general." Hoziha rose and flew away to do his tasks.

"I greet you Prolanacle. What brings a general of the hosts into my humble yard?"

"I believe Hoziha has briefed you upon the turn in the war?"

"He did. It could be very bad for us if Retaletan takes Birmingham." Said, Andre.

"Indeed, it could. We are without a solid plan as to deal with the situation, although our tacticians are converging and planning a response should the war end soon."

"Hoziha said the war could end within the month. That's not a lot of time to prepare for an attack from Retaltan forces."

"I do not think we have to fear an immediate attack, perhaps some bluster and demands, but it will take them some time to recover from their losses. On a different note, how fares the fate of your father? I cannot gaze upon him for the blots upon his soul, but I have heard you have spent this past month seeking a way to reduce his karmic debt."

"Slowly to be honest. Honestly, I don't know that we are accomplishing anything. We've tried every purification ritual that we can safely use on a man his age and health. We've sent a request to the higher powers for intervention but have not received any word from that realm."

"Nor will you. You are requesting a miracle of the highest order; your father is no normal fallen soul. He bears the stain of five or more villainous men of vile dispositions, that he can be trusted at all is a grace of the gods themselves."

"I can't just give up on him." Said Andre with pain in his voice.

"I cannot understand what you are going through. I do not have a father in the conventional mortal sense. But I empathize with your pain. I have lost brothers to temptation. Even the most powerful and holy are susceptible to the guiles of the darkness. We can only do what we can to lighten their load."

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