Andre Miller 24 The Convention

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"Well, how about that?" Said Caleb as he opened a very official-looking letter.

"What are we getting sued by someone other than Housteton, Reba, and Kline?" asked Andre while helping Caleb go through the mail for the day.

"No, thankfully. I've been invited to be a guest speaker for the International Order of Elemental Summoners to give a speech and class series on voluntary summoning and to be awarded a lifetime achievement award. Huh, never saw this one coming."

"I didn't know you were a member of the IOES." Said, Andre.

"Oh yeah, since I started summoning elementals full-time back in the late '80s. I paid my little dues every month and filled out their survey every year. I've never gone to one of the events, because most of them are overseas, but it's a neat opportunity." Said Caleb as he read the invite. "All expense paid trip for two to Bagan, Myanmar, and as a bonus it falls on the week of my 60th birthday. Since we got the truce with Fontaine 6 months ago things have been pretty quiet. What do you say? Want to come spend a week with a bunch of doating old elementalists in one of the most beautiful places on the planet?"

"Sure, I think the gang can handle things around here for a week without the two of us. Plus, I know I could use a break from the constant celestial presence in our backyard." He laughed.

"Yeah, the truce is great but you can't turn but to trip on a celestial messenger."

"Andre of the House of Miller, I would have words with you." Came a voice from the backyard.

"Speaking of having our backyard occupied." Said Caleb with a grin.

"Coming dear." Said Andre as he opened the patio door to the backyard.

"I am Prolanacle, general of the 1st hosts, and I greet you, friend." Said the 15-foot-tall warrior clad in plate armor holding a glowing celestial axe.

"I greet you Prolanacle, to what do I owe a visit from a general of the heavens?" said Andre as he bowed to the celestial.

"I wish to speak of the Pinson Line Truce. How long do you expect it to hold before our enemies break it and begin a battle for the area?"

"I don't know. Celestials and demons mark time in a much different fashion than mortals do. It's been over a year since the truce was formed. I honestly didn't expect it to last this long." Replied Andre.

"I, as well, did not expect our enemies to sit back and do nothing. However, since House Retaletan has joined the truce they have been massing demons on the other city of the Rainbow City line you negotiated. We believe that they, House Tchecha and House Retaletan, are preparing for a two-fronted assault upon the truce zone. We expect it within the next year to two years."

"How does the readiness of the celestial forces stand?" asked Andre.

"We now number over 10000 strong throughout the region, many of which are warriors of the lesser hosts. Should an assault come, we will be prepared. However, we fear for an attack upon the human element. The citizens of Pinson and the other small towns are unaware of the brewing war about to take place on their steps."

"The majority of people in the world have only ever seen a demon or celestial on a television news program or a depiction of them on an entertainment show. I think a full-blown war would be very bad for them, and the world in general."

"I agree. As such I wish for you to arrange a champions battle, the champion the enemy Houses versus each other to determine who is in control of the coming battle, so I may challenge them to solo battle and prevent the coming war."

"And how do you suggest I do that? Last I checked I wasn't on the best terms with either House. Fontaine is looking for any loophole to get at Frankie of the House of Hernandez, and Brigon wants me dead at any cost, including pushing the boundaries of the truce."

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