Andre Miller 29 The Negotiations

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It was a week after Peak and Powel Security had come into service for the group.

Caleb and Andre sat around the summoning circle and Caleb chanted the summons for the spirit that could answer his questions concerning Conroy's bad karma predicament.

"I am Hertous, councilor to They Who Sleep in the Deeps. I see you again son of man. Have you prepared proper tribute for my time and consideration of questions?"

"I have tried," said Caleb, "I present the fresh eye of a Kracken, the unique spiral shells from the deep sea," he went on for a full minute describing the various forms of tribute.

"This pleases me. You have provided enough for the answer to your previous question, about removing a person from the cycle of karma, and 3 other questions. Yes, a person can be brought out of the cycle. It requires replacing their heart with a minor elemental. They in turn become elemental in nature and are removed from the cycle. When they die, as all mortal things must, they will transition into being a true elemental of the 6th or 7th house of the chosen type of elemental depending on the strength of the soul. All of their memories are wiped from them and they, for all intents and purposes always will be, and have been an elemental."

Andre sat across from him and held up 3 fingers, indicating the number of questions Caleb had to ask.

"What is the process of replacing a person's heart with a minor elemental?"

"One petitions an elemental of the 10th house. A minor thing, barely aware really, a puff of wind, a mote of dust, a single small flame, or droplet of water and convinces it to join with the perspective host, not a difficult task in itself, then an ancient ritual is performed and the beings heart and the elemental switch places, thus beginning the transformation."

Andre dropped a finger.

"Can and will you teach me the ritual required?"

"I can, and am willing, but it is an old and secret thing and will require its own tribute to learn."

Andre dropped a second finger, a single question remained.

"What would be a fitting tribute to learn such a thing?"

"An ounce each of pure elemental earth, wind, fire, and water. The type of which must be harvested at points of power within the elemental planes. Only the purest will suffice. I have given you the required knowledge and answered your questions 3. I depart, when you have retrieved the tribute, you may contact me again and I will return. Be well sons of man."

And with a splashing noise, Hertous descended into the vortex of water below it and vanished. Caleb cleared the circle and leaned back in his cushion.

"It transforms you into an elemental. That not something I have ever heard of before." Said Caleb, "Then wipes their memories and sets them as an elemental for eternity. Not the worst fate. What do you think your dad is going to say?"

"Knowing dad, hells no. But with some convincing and reasoning it'll get put on the table as a last resort I think, provided we can't find another way." Replied Andre.

The two men put on their shirts and made their way back into the house. "Have you ever seen a mote of pure elemental essence?" Caleb asked Andre as they crossed the yard.

"Once, years ago. It was on auction, it went for just over 10000 if I remember correctly, probably double that today. Do you know how many motes are in an ounce?"

Caleb let out a sigh as they reached the door. "100."

"Sweet Christmas. So, give or take 2 million an ounce. Figure variables for getting each different type, ballpark 10 million for all four ounces. If we combined everything we've got left from the dragon, all our silver, and cash in the accounts, I think we can hit 5 million, maybe." Said Andre as he slid open the patio door.

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