Chapter 2: Masks

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Every day, like the one before...


It was late at night by the time Ominis came into the bedroom again, shuffling to take off his shirt and toss it aside drowsily. She looked up at him in the dark, the pale man giving the bed a look of unease and frustration before he let out a small huff and climbed in, staying as far away from her as possible.

Well so much for the fabled wedding night coupling she'd heard about... but that was probably for the best.

She had expected Ominis to be like the rest of the Gaunts... psychopathic men obsessed with dark magic and blood purity. Half crazed with their obsession of their heritage of being Slytherin's descendants. His brother certainly was that way.

But Ominis just seemed... cold. The looks he had when she spoke were of derision rather than anger, as if he couldn't stand the sound of her. It had been easy enough to avoid him the rest of the night after she had asked to help him and got snapped at. She'd let him learn the hard way that he'd put one of his shirts up inside out.

She shifted onto her back in the bed, looking up at the ceiling thoughtfully. She'd been shocked to learn of this sudden marriage, but the Gaunts had been eager to marry Ominis off and gave her father a good dowry for her. Being the youngest daughter- and therefore far less desired- it was the best offer she was going to get.

She sat up with a soft sigh. Her long black hair falling around her with the movement. She got up out of bed, glancing over to him again. His hair was pale, his skin was pale, his eyes were pale. He looked almost ghost-like, haunting but regal.

She shook her head at her own ridiculous thoughts and stood out of bed to reach for her candlestick.

"And where do you think you're going?" Ominis said in a dark tone, sitting up as well and looking in her direction.

She froze, her eyes wide that he had caught her. How had he known? He must have felt her shift in the bed. "I can't sleep. I was just going to walk around a bit." She said softly, being sure to keep her tone even.

"You will do no such thing." Ominis hissed. "You're going to stay here so I can keep watch on you."

She was a bit taken aback by the sudden hostility, scoffing softly for a moment before she remembered her teachings. Her mother that had taught each of her daughters to be a polite lady. To be obedient and and demure for her husband, the ideal woman of wealth.

Bless her, she'd always had such a hard time with Ariandne. She barely held her air of soft femininity, sometimes. Especially when this man was so damn frustratingly icy toward her.

But she wasn't going to be kept to a single room like a punished dog.

"I can leave if I want to." She said, turning to get the candlestick and light it so she could see where she was going.

She heard the bed creak softly as she hurriedly lit the candle, taking it in hand. She turned around once it was lit, and gasped when he was suddenly there in front of her. The candlelight cast its glow on his face, making his sharp features stand out even in the uneven light, the flame flickering wildly between them as he let out an angry breath into the air between them.

"I told you, you're staying put." He growled, his gaze dangerous enough it made her shrink back a bit. What made him more intimidating in the moment were the multitudes of scars that covered his chest and shoulders, his skin barely left pristine in some spots. What had happened to him?!

"Why does it matter? This is my house too, now." She said stubbornly.

She gasped when he lashed a hand out, the split second of feeling her jaw before grabbing her chin hard and holding her face inches from his.

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