Chapter 69: A Reluctant Plan

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When he next woke up it was already bright out, groaning softly as he held his aching head. That spell always gave him a headache regardless of how careful he was with it.

"Are you okay?" Ariadne asked softly, and a soft hand ran through his hair gently.

"I'll be fine." He sighed, reaching out and finding her waist, tugging her closer to him so he could rest his face against her neck. "What time is it?" He asked, his voice muffled against her skin.

"It's afternoon already, you slept for a long time." She said, sounding a bit concerned.

He reached up to brush his hand against her cheek softly. "That spell always wipes me out. I'll be okay, though."

"Good." She sighed in relief, her arms wrapping around him as he held her. "I'll admit I was getting a bit worried."

"I'm sorry, sweet." He said softly, kissing the top of her head. He remembered that it was afternoon and inhaled softly. "That means tomorrow is the full moon."

Ariadne nodded against him gently. "Damien has been pacing around the house all morning, I've been hearing him grumbling outside the door when he walks by."

Poor Damien, he was probably nervous about tomorrow and high strung. "We still haven't figured out anything." Ominis said in frustration.

"Well... actually... I had an idea". Ariadne said softly.

"Oh?" He said curiously. Of course she did.

"I thought through it, and the full moon madness happens when the wolf- Ronan- loses his ability to think, right?" She said softly. "What if... someone else thinks for him?"

Ominis felt a cold chill fill him. "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting, Ariadne?" He asked in horror.

"It might be our only option. If we can't get rid of Ronan because he's... he's a person. It wouldn't feel right, then we have to find a way to... control them." She said softly, her head turning to look up at him.

"Are you suggesting the imperius curse?" He asked in a whisper.

"If you or Sebastian use it, you could control him and keep him from hurting himself. Then after dawn you can stop the curse. He would trust you. If he agrees to it, then how is it wrong?"

"Ari, it's an unforgivable!" He said in shock.

"But it's also a spell that in this case, would be helping one of your best friends." She insisted gently. He felt a hand against his chest as she rested her head against him. "I know you don't like dark magic... and I know you hate the idea... but if you do it this once, and it works, wouldn't it be worth it? It's preventing your friend from going through terrible pain."

Ominis let out a low moan of unease. "But... but I'd be casting an unforgivable." He said in horror. "On Damien!"

Then again Damien has cast it on him, for similar reasons, back in 5th year. He frowned at the thought, groaning in frustration. "I don't like this." He muttered.

"You don't have to like it, Ominis." She moved so she was laying over him, gently brushing her hands through his hair softly. "It's just one night. Half a night, even, if you want Sebastian to take a turn to make it easier on you. Do you think he'd be okay with it?"

"I think he'd be fine." Ominis said flatly.

"Okay, I just wasn't sure." Ariadne nodded.

"I just... can't believe you'd suggest this, Ari. You know what the imperius is like." He said softly.

Basilisk (Dark Ominis Gaunt x OC gothic romance)Where stories live. Discover now