Chapter 17: The Library

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Now it's no wonder that her name means beauty...


Ominis woke slowly the next morning, smiling as he felt the soft touches of someone running their hands through his hair. That felt wonderful, especially just as he was waking up. A low sound of pleasure rumbled out of him, and he smiled when he heard a soft chuckle from nearby. Her slender hand was still gently touching him, stroking through his hair tenderly.

"Good morning." She said softly.

He grinned and reached toward her, feeling her on her side next to him. He hooked an arm around her waist, moving them so she was beneath him as he pinned her down against the bed and making her gasp in surprise.

"Good morning." He said gruffly, his voice still rough from sleeping. He leaned down to kiss her gently, letting out another low sound of satisfaction when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. So sweet, so soft...

"Sir?" A voice came from the door.

Ominis broke the kiss with a low growl of frustration. There were too many people in this damn house interrupting him. "Yes?" He asked impatiently. It wasn't Marie so he didn't give a fuck what they wanted.

"Would you like me to prepare your morning tea, sir?" The voice asked.

That's an odd question. Usually he made it himself, unless...

"What time is it?" He asked Ariadne softly.

"It's nearly 11 am. You were pretty tired." She chuckled.

"Ah." He realized that's what the questioning was. A sudden change in routine was catching their attention. "Yes, prepare morning tea." He answered firmly.

"Very good, sir." The servant said, footsteps sounding as they walked away.

"I suppose that means we have to get up." He grumbled, because they would be serving the tea next.

Damn interruptions.

He smiled as he felt Ariadne stretch beneath him with a soft yawn, feeling warmth course through him we she moved against her. He really couldn't get enough of her, she was so seductive and sweet...

"We'd better get up before we get distracted." She giggled beneath him, running one of her hands along his chest to indicate she'd noticed he was getting riled. Hard to not notice it with him pressed against her belly.

"I guess." He grumbled, but buried his face in her neck to inhale her scent for a moment. Jasmine tea, parchment and a floral perfume.

"You're adorable in the morning." She chuckled softly. "So grumpy and snuggly."

He grinned against her neck and gave her a playful bite that had her gasp before he leaned back to get up. He'd never imagined he'd have mornings like this, able to lay in a woman's arms and have her whisper to him in the warm light from the window. He really liked it.

But today was the day he was going to show her what he'd worked on so diligently yesterday... and he really hoped she'd like it. He was pretty sure she would, but he couldn't help but be a bit nervous.

"After tea I have a surprise for you." He said huskily, pulling his shirt on.

"Oh?" She said eagerly. "What kind of surprise?"

"Something I think you'll like." He grinned excitedly. "But it's a secret. Otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise."

He chuckled at the aggravated sound she made, finding out that she could be rather impatient, too.

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