Chapter 77: The Trip to London

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(So begins arc 8!)


It had been a long time since he'd been on a train. After he'd been bitten he'd always been afraid the confined space would make his inner wolf freak out, but now that he knew the wolf was actually a man he didn't have to worry about that anymore. Ronan could handle train rides just fine.

It's not like it's a foreign concept. I know what a train is, at least. Somehow.

More questions than answers on that subject. Who he'd been before he was a wolf was a mystery, but from what Ominis and Sebastian had told him Ronan was familiar with how the Ministry works. Curious.

He looked over to Sebastian across from him in the same cabin, while Ominis, Ariadne and Marie shared the next cabin over. He'd been uncharacteristically quiet during the train ride, watching out the window and fiddling with the travel pamphlet in his hands, opening it and folding it again and again.

"How are you doing over there?" Damien asked quietly, concerned with the sad look in his eyes.

"I'll be fine." Sebastian said quietly, but didn't look from his view out the window.

That certainly didn't sound very convincing, but he knew better than to pry further.

Just give him some space. Hopefully he'll feel better eventually.

Yeah... but he was still worried. Sebastian was usually the one helping everyone, but now that he was the one needing help Damien felt powerless to actually aid him. It was infuriating.

You can't solve everything, Damien.

No, he couldn't, but he could at least try and help.

Ronan gave a deep sigh from within him, and he quirked a brow in question at the reaction. Why did he sound so annoyed and weary?

You should care more about your situation than you do. You focus too much on others.

Damien grumbled a bit, knowing that was true but not liking to admit it. What should he be focusing on, anyway?

We're going to be living with Marie. Damien got the impression of a wry smirk accompanying the words.

Yeah they were, but they also had been for the past few days. What was the difference?

Oh come on, Damien. You know there's a difference. With what happened this morning?

Ugh he didn't need to be reminded of that. It was so embarrassing waking up stark naked in front of her like that. Luckily he'd been lying on his belly at the time.

Lucky? Ronan scoffed.

Yes, lucky! Because she needed to go at her own pace. Not forced to see his dick hanging out because he'd woken up from being a dog all night. What a weird situation, though.

By she didn't pull away, and she blushed... I'd count that as a good sign.

Yeah they'd both been blushing. It was so embarrassing.

You two are hilarious. You need to try to be more bold. I know you're being considerate, but she obviously really likes us.

And he was being considerate by not being as bold. It wasn't like he wasn't attracted to her, she was beautiful and bold and it did insane things to him when she did flirt with him. He reacted more to her than any other woman he'd ever met... so he needed to reel himself back for both their sakes. He didn't want to risk hurting her or corrupting her or scaring her.

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