404. Remarking

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Buggy's little show finally makes the Boa sisters agree to his proposal. They agree to reshape their back skin so that the marks of Celestial Dragon will disappear.

"Uhm, why don't you just remove the marks by taking off the skin that gets marked and make them gone?" asks Elder Nyon.

"That will be possible if they're just tattoos that stick on the skin. The problem is they are burnt marks and they are quite deep. If we just remove them, then the girls will lose a lot of portions of their backs. It will be harder to hide rather than reshape the marks into tattoos. Our doctor also said this method won't cause any damage," says Buggy.

"That makes sense. Alright, I leave them to you," says Elder Nyon.

Buggy nods and the first to be treated is their youngest, Marigold. She opens the back of her clothes while trembling because it reminds her of her past. Her older sisters also feel very bitter and they also tremble when they see Marigold's mark, Elder Nyon does too.

However, Buggy, Mantis, & Dela don't have any reaction whatsoever. They just look at it as if it's a normal thing, not something horrifying. Sandersonia realizes this, which makes them rather wary.

"Why don't you react after seeing that?" asks Sandersonia.

"Should we?" asks Buggy back, making Sandersonia speechless.

Mantis sighs and explains in his stead, "The answer is easy. It's because this is just a mark to us. We have seen it many times and our Lord here had reshaped many of them, that's why we don't react."

"You have done this before?!" asks Elder Nyon in surprise, the Boa sisters are also surprised by this.

"Yes, our Lord has reshaped 2,582 Claws of Celestial Dragons over the years," says Dela, surprising the girls so much.

"No way! There's no way you could find that many escaped slaves in a few years even after Fisher Tiger's attack," says Hancock.

"That's where you are wrong, princess. There are that many and even more escaped slaves all over the world. Fisher Tiger was the most successful attacker, but he isn't the only one," says Buggy while grinning.

They widen their eyes and Elder Nyon wants to ask, "Y-you, don't tell me you-."

Buggy tells her to stop with a silencing sign, so she stops her question. They don't need to be that smart to understand what he meant. So they don't ask anything anymore and just start the procedure to remove their marks. But before they start, Dela puts a piece of paper with a picture on it in front of Buggy.

"What is that?" asks Hancock.

"A picture of Gorgon's eye to match the story you made up," says Dela.

"No, I know that, but why are you showing that?" asks Hancock.

"Well, our Lord here sucks at drawing, so he needs a guide to reshape the marks," says Dela.

The Boa sister's eyes become dark and they look at Buggy who looks away guiltily.

"D-drawing is just not my passion," says Buggy.

"Did you do this all the time?" asks Elder Nyon.

"No, usually he would just make simple pictures like a straight line on the spine or cross mark. The best he could make so far is a heart symbol," says Dela.

The Bos sisters' expressions turn darker and Buggy sweats even more.

"Will this be alright?" asks Marigold.

"Don't worry, this will be fine. I'll make sure it works," says Mantis while bumping her fist into her palm.

Buggy gulps his saliva and immediately tells the Boa sisters they will start. He starts right away and uses his power to chop off the marked areas on Marigold's back. Then he moves it above the picture and starts putting the chopped mark on it, following the pattern.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now