427. Giving Lesson

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Buggy drops the unconscious man in his hand while looking at the Straw Hats. He looks at them and smiles a little as he sees his son & daughter who have grown a lot since they met last time. It's been quite some time since Buggy's last visit to their home, after all.

There's Robin too here, the little girl his crew saved years ago. She looks like she has a good life, so he is very glad he chose to save her. He would love to talk to them, but he still needs to put up an act as Kuroko, so he turns his soft smile into a wicked grin.

"You guys don't look like reinforcements. Are you people from below?"

"Oi, what are you doing to them?"

Luffy asks Buggy with a serious tone, which is quite unusual.

"I asked first, so answer my question first before asking. Are you guys from below? Pirates? Adventurers?"

"We are pirates."

"Is that so? Then you better leave now if you don't want to get involved. I am a pirate too and I am doing my job as a pirate now. If you leave now, then I won't do anything, but if you choose to stay either for my gold or these people you've just met, then I will beat the crap out of you weaklings."

The Straw Hats ask Luffy what should they do while looking at Kuroko Buggy. He looks strong to them, especially with a lot of defeated guys around him. Chopper is checking on the defeated guys briefly to see if they are dead.

"Luffy, no one here died. They aren't hurt that bad either."

Wyper who is still conscious suddenly stands and looks sharply at Buggy.

"He doesn't kill anyone here, only beating us up. It has been 5 days and we fought every day, but no one gets seriously injured even though we always got beaten up by him."

Of course, his explanation confuses the Straw Hats. So he just says that he won't explain the details because he doesn't need to.

"If you are here just to disturb us, then leave. We already have a hard time facing one person."

"Hey, is he really strong?"

Zoro asks Wyper while grinning because he seems interested.

"How does it look to you?"

"I don't need to ask, huh? Well, it seems we'll still need to fight him, right, Luffy? Even if we don't want the gold, we'll still need to fight & defeat him so that we can explore this place freely."

Leo agrees with Zoro. "Yeah, besides, it seems he won't let us go as he said."

Kuroko Buggy's grin seems to be full of excitement about fighting people, so there's no way he will let them go without any fight now. Luffy also agrees with that, so he orders them to get ready to fight immediately.

Nami goes to hide without any hesitation while Robin stays behind. Only the boys are truly getting ready to fight, which surprises Wyper because they don't know each other. But Wyper doesn't reject them because it might be better to let them fight Kuroko Buggy too.

Kuroko Buggy grins and taunts them using his left hand. The boys then rush at him and Usopp shoots a bullet first. Buggy catches it and it explodes in his hand. Usopp celebrates it, but then the Straw Hats' eyes widen when they see Buggy appears without any scratches.

Zoro then slashes his 3 swords very strongly, but they get caught by Buggy. Not only do they get stopped, but they also get caught by his bare hand. Then Buggy also catches Leo's fire blades with his other hand.

He doesn't feel any pain and there's no damage at all to his hands. Sanji sends a kick from the side and it hits Buggy's face cleanly. But Buggy doesn't move even a bit as if nothing hits him. The same thing happens when Chopper punches him from the other side.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now