418. The Doctor

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As he climbs, Leo finds a problem, his body temperature is melting the ice and snow around him. His grip becomes slippery and he almost falls from the cliff. It's very dangerous because now he is carrying his sister.

But Leo isn't that stupid, so he finds a way immediately. He takes out his blades and uses them as climbing tools. He stabs his blades into the cliff, so he won't lose his grip anymore. His speed also increases while the risk of falling decreases.

Leo reaches the top quite fast and sees an old castle there. He walks toward the castle while sheathing his blades. The snow around him melts because he creates flames around his feet to keep the temperature high enough for his sister but not burn her.

"Excuse me? Doctor, I need your help," shouts Leo after entering the opened gate.

No one answers him even after he shouts a few more times. So he enters the castle while calling the doctor, but there's still no answer. Then he finds a room and enters it even though he thinks it's not polite. His sister needs a warm place, so he ignores that unpoliteness.

Leo puts Nami on the bed and covers her with a blanket. Then he goes around to find the doctor, but there is no one in the castle. He knows someone lives here because this place is in a good condition, so he assumes the doctor is away right now.

"Damn, maybe the doctor is in the village right now. I can't leave my sister alone, so let's just wait here. Hopefully, the doctor will return soon," says Leo while grabbing some snow.

Leo puts the snow in a bowl then he takes it to the room where Nami sleeps. He puts some snow in a small plastic bag and puts it on Nami's forehead to cool her fever. But he also keeps her body warm with a blanket and he turns his hand into a fire.

"Fever is really confusing. People are hot, but they need warmth at the same time. Hmm, I wonder how it actually feels to have a fever," says Leo curiously.

Strangely, Leo never had a fever even once since he was born. Maybe it's because of his good genetics from his father. But some people said it's because he is an idiot. Leo's brain is not as smart as Buggy, but he is still a genius in things like music and battle.

Well, Buggy had a fever once in the past which made him fail to reach Laugh Tale, but that also made the current him. In the past, he thought he was transported to Buggy's body. But now he thinks that he is the real Buggy who remembered his past life.

That might sound unimportant, but that made Buggy feel very relieved because that means he didn't kill the old Buggy, he just remembered who he was. He was burdened by guilt before, but that has disappeared now, and that allowed him to grow even further even after being such a monster.

Anyway, Leo is an idiot in a sense, but he is also a genius. Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, and Usop, the other boys are also like that. So they are actually similar and it might be the reason why they become close real quick.

Leo keeps taking care of his sister while waiting for the doctor. Meanwhile, his crewmates are searching for the doctor in the village, but they haven't found her. Luffy and Sanji who were chasing Leo are in trouble now.

The 2 of them are blocked by some giant fat rabbits that stand on 2 feet. Leo also met them, but he got past them by shooting himself forward with his fire rocket technique. He tried to use it to climb the super steep mountain, but he couldn't because he still can't use his fire to fly.

Leo's mastery over his devil fruit is still not high enough. Well, it's not bad actually, but he still lacks power and energy. If he gets stronger, he may be able to fly like Ironman using his fire ability, which will be very cool.

Anyway, Luffy and Sanji are stopped by the giant rabbit called Lapan. Other than those things, there is an avalanche too. Luckily, they don't bring Nami, so they can face the Lapan and avalanche calmly without any worries.

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