488. The Following Months

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As usual, Buggy and Shanks have a big party with everyone after trying to kill each other in a fight. It's like they forget they've just sent deadly attacks at each other's throats a moment ago. They even dance happily while hugging each other on the shoulders.

Uta who has joined the Red Hair Pirates again for a year is still quite shocked by this. She doesn't know how these pirates can be so carefree. But the most shocking thing for her is how powerful these guys are and they are very different from the images of pirates she always thought of.

For her, pirates were ruthless people who would commit any sort of crime, and it's actually true for most pirates in the world. But now she finally finds pirates who don't do anything she thought pirates would do. The pirates around her now are just a bunch of carefree sailors who labeled themselves as pirates.

"Why are you in a daze, little girl?"

Mantis approaches Uta while carrying a plate of food for her. She thinks Uta needs to talk to other women because Red Hair Pirates only have men, so she decides to talk to her.

"I am realizing something important. My view of the world was so narrow and I judged everything too fast with limited information. It has just been a few weeks since we left the island where Leo and I trained, but I've already seen more things than all those years on Elegia."

"Experiencing things yourself is surely different than knowing it from others. After all, you can experience the real things and judge them by yourself. What others say always has their personal feelings mixed in it even though they are telling the truth. We all have our own views of things, so there will always be bias in what people say. Only through experience can you understand how to know the truth. So you need to experience more things, darling."

"I guess so. I've just realized how narrow-minded I was after I saw many things in Grandline."

Both of them have some deep talks while the others are losing their minds at the party. Mantis really just can't leave her motherly habit, that's why she talks to Uta because she knows this girl just needs some guidance from adults.

Talking with Uta reminds Mantis of her children with Cricket. They already have a 12 y.o daughter and a 10 y.o son. But their kids aren't here now, and so are the other members' kids. They were sent to East Blue, to Bellemere's care before the war started.

Even if they were confident they could win the war, there would always be the risk of losing. So they didn't want to put their children in danger by letting them stay in the New World. They will pick up their kids after this whole mess is over.

Well, not everyone sent their kids to East Blue though. Palu and Jude sent their 11 y.o daughter to Palu's parents' home in Birka. The little girl asked to live with her grandparents herself because she likes Sky Island, so they sent her there.

Anyway, the party lasts for a rather long time and Clownland holds the festival for a week. But even while having fun, the Clown Pirates and their men don't forget to do their jobs. They are still running their business behind the scenes and still observing what happens in the world.

The situations around the world have become more stable now. New World and East Blue don't change much, while Paradise becomes the most violent sea now with wars happening most of the time. It even starts to resemble New World except for the fact that the forces there are too weak compared to New World.

But their numbers keep increasing as many new pirate crews are entering Grandline from the 4 Blue Seas. Unluckily for them, the Marines have waited for them in Paradise. The Marines are focusing their force in Paradise instead of spreading it equally all over the world because they know a lot of these pirates will enter Grandline.

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