415. Different

810 45 3

Currently, the Straw Hat Pirates are preparing to sail to the next island. Their Log Pose has been set, so they can go to the next island already. There's nothing here worth waiting and they've looted this place to fill their supply and pockets.

But before they leave, they suddenly hear some clanking sound, and they see a big rat and a bird. The rat then gets on the bird and gets away, making the Straw Hats confused. They ignore those things and resume their preparations.

Then they sail after everything is ready. They leave Whiskey Peak and go to the next island following the Log Pose. Now, they are more ready to face the extreme weather, so they don't find too many problems on their way to the next island. It's still very difficult though because they don't have enough experience yet.

The next island they visit is obviously Little Garden because it's already set in their route. They have the same reactions just like in the series when they find out about this island's nature. Giant prehistoric animals are great things to see, after all.

This is also the moment they realize just how different and unique Grandline really is. They have more realizations when they find Broggy & Dorry who are still dueling to this day. The 2 Giants never stopped because they haven't found a winner yet.

But Broggy & Dorry seem to be more chill in their duel now. They don't do it as often as before and they take their time to eat together every day. Since they do this, they find themselves improving faster than before, so they keep doing this because they want to get stronger than their rivals and win their duel.

They started doing this since Clown Pirates' last visit a few years ago. Magnus is Dorry's brother, so he wanted to visit Dorry after some years. Of course, Dorry & Broggy were very surprised by Magnus's current strength, and obviously, they asked him how he got it.

He told them to not just fight every few minutes because it actually makes them stuck. They need time to rest and train themselves to improve their skills alone. Also, they need to have fun even though it's just the 2 of them there, so they often eat together.

"So it's just the 2 of you here?" asks Leo while the Straw Hats are eating together with the 2 giants.

"Well, not now, there are you guys, GABABABA," says Broggy.

"GYAGYAGYA, don't take it seriously kids, we are just joking. But seriously, it's not just the 2 of us for the last few months I think. We have 2 friends who aren't here currently. I don't know where they are now, but they'll return later," says Dorry.

"Are they giants?" asks Usopp excitedly.

"No, they are human children like you," says Broggy.

"What?! There are children here?" asks Luffy.

"Yeah, they are very small like you. Ah, there they are," says Dorry while looking behind the Straw Hats.

The Straw Hats look back and don't see any children at all. They only see an older teenage girl and an adult woman. There are no children at all here, so they look back at the giants confusedly while Sanji starts simping. The giants are also confused when they ask where the children are, so the 2 women answer it.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding here. Please understand that for them, every one of us here is still a child. Not only we are much smaller, but we are also much younger than them," says the older woman without minding Sanji.

The younger woman seems terrified by Sanji though. Luckily, Nami rescues them by knocking Sanji out using her staff. She apologizes and asks the 2 women for their names.

The younger one answers, "I am Vivi, she is Robin."

The women are actually Nefertari Vivi and Nico Robin. They are a strange duo considering their relationship in the series. But these Straw Hat Pirates don't know that, so they just nod and introduce their names.

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