464. King of Gods

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After Buggy nuked it, Marie Geoise has finally gone completely from the face of this world. Only some charred ruins left from the great city that no one thought would ever fall.

The attacks were too fast that no one had the chance to defend. Buggy never intended to give them any chance to retaliate, after all. He doesn't want to play around in this serious war because he knows the more he plays around, the lower his chance of winning would be.

Right now, he truly believes that he made the right decision because on the destroyed city, some people are still alive. His atomic bombs were very powerful that even he didn't dare to take them directly. But these guys took the blast head-on and survived.

"Wow, I am really impressed right now. To think that you guys are still alive after that, it's really beyond my expectation. No wonder the World Government could rule for more than 800 years and hasn't fallen till this day."

Buggy grins while looking at the figures standing on the charred and destroyed red ground. He never saw them personally, but he knew them from the reports his spies on Marie Geoise sent frequently. His spies on Marie Geoise were very skillful that they could get a lot of very secretive information in the most secure city.

Looking at these figures makes even Buggy feels rather nervous. Well, only one of them makes him feel wary though, but for someone at his level to feel that must mean that this person is really dangerous. He is the world's strongest man, after all. Yet he feels like that.

Buggy looks at the group of people before shifting his attention elsewhere. He can feel the weak presence of lives on the edges of the destroyed city. There are 2 weak presences that can disappear at any time, but they still surprise Buggy.

These 2 weak presences are of the elders. The 5 of them received the explosions directly, yet 2 of them actually survived. Though they are barely alive and their lives are hanging by threads now as they lay on the ground with only their heads and body left in very bad shape.

These 2 are Shepher Ju Peter and Topman Warcury. They are barely alive and it's just a matter of time before they died because they only have their burnt body and heads now. Their breaths are weakened gradually, so they'll follow their 3 comrades soon.

The 5 of them activated their mysterious mythical zoan devil fruits right when the atomic bombs explode. Those 5 also use haki, but the explosions were too powerful. 3 of them died in the explosions while the 2 survived, but their conditions are worse than death.

Even though it's not the best outcome, this is still what Buggy wanted by exploding the bombs right beside the 5 elders. He isn't some idiot main character who will let their enemies use their full power unless he has the confidence to take them down.

Sure, Buggy did it many times in the past to boost his growth, but he always made sure he had a good winning chance or at least a high survival rate. Furthermore, most of those hard battles in the past were unavoidable and sometimes he wasn't the one who started them.

Now, he is the one who initiated this and his only goal in this war is victory. He doesn't have the luxury to play around in this world-changing plan. What he needs now is just a result, nothing else. He only wants to destroy the World Nobles, that's all.

The 5 elders were too big of variables in this plan of his. That's why he was very happy when they appeared in front of him and targeted them immediately. He even changed his plan to explode the bombs in the center of the city to the center of the 5 elders just to kill them all.

That's why he is surprised that there are still 2 of them alive now. Luckily, they are already beyond saving by now with their conditions. Someone like Vegapunk might be able to do something if he acts fast, but that won't happen because no one will be able to even bother about them now.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now