431. Supernova

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It hasn't been long since Buggy left Sabaody, but he is here again after some weeks. The first place he visits is Alice's father's grave. Alice wants to tell her dad what she has done since she left Sabaody with Buggy, so he takes her here.

Buggy just waits for Alice and comforts her when she's crying. It is surely hard for a little girl to be left by her dad at such a young age. He knows Alice will overcome it in the future, but this has just been some weeks. Even though she looked happy on their journey, Buggy knows she missed her dad so much.

Anyway, after Alice is done, Buggy takes her to Shakky's place. If his calculation is right, then the Strae Hats will reach Sabaody tomorrow. Buggy has a plan and he can't involve Alice because it will be dangerous for her, so he wants to ask for Shakky's help.

"You want me to take care of this little cutie?"

"Yeah, for a while."

"Buggy-chan, you haven't met me for a rather long time. But once you met me, you used a different appearance and even give me the task to take care of a child. What are you up to now?"

"Well, I'm sure you know already."

"Sigh, who would've thought that the Greatest Rookie Pirate is actually the Greatest Emperor of The Sea."

"Someone needs to humble the new kids, don't you think? Young pirates these days are getting too ignorant and don't have principles. They thought they are the best, so they need to be humbled a bit."

"Are you sure you aren't just having fun?"

"I always have fun, so I don't need to mention it, right? Anyway, please take care of Alice for a while. I have a big plan, and it will surely surprise you. But please don't panic when you hear the news later, it's all part of my plan."

"What plan is it? And what news?"

"Just a plan to visit a place I couldn't visit yet. As for the news, you will know what I mean when it happens. Things will get dangerous around me, that's why I ask you to take care of Alice until I returned."

"Sigh, alright, fine. I've received a lot of help from you, so I can do this much."

"Alright, then Alice, listen to her, alright? I will return after some days, so wait for me."

Alice looks sad, but she nods and obeys Buggy's order. She knows Buggy has an important business to do for him to leave her again. He never broke their promises, so she knows he will return just like how he returned after finishing his business on Skypiea.

The next day, the Straw Hats really arrive on Sabaody. Things happen quite differently from the series because there's no Brook there and Hatchan is a member of Clown Pirates now. But Hatchan is actually present there with Camie and they meet the Straw Hats too.

Hatchan is on a holiday now. Well, he's not really on holiday because he has a personal business to take care of. But because it's personal, he takes his yearly leave quota. Buggy gave his crew members such a thing so that they can also do things they want.

This is also the case for Hatchan who takes all his quota this year. He is coming back to Fishman Island after hearing that Camie is targeted by slave traders. The slave traders are none other than the Macro gang who were once members of Sun Pirates like Arlong's crew.

They are kidnapping their own kin and selling them as slaves. Hatchan and other fishmen members of Clown Pirates have done many things to prevent this like making a trained squad of fishmen that worked under them. But they couldn't fully prevent it although they can reduce the capture rate of fishmen a lot.

The Clowns' fishmen members didn't want to meddle directly in this, including Hatchan. After all, they don't want to make trouble for their crew and it's not their responsibility. The ones that should handle this are the Kingdom and Sun Pirates, not them.

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