484. Compensation

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The discussion about the Revolutionary Army taking over the role of the World Government is very intense. All Revolutionary Army commanders and high-ranking officials have joined the discussion. More high-ranking marine officials also join in now.

Anyway, while the Revolutionary Army might be the best candidate for the new World Government, the Marines can't just agree to it because for years, the Revolutionary Army has been branded as a criminal organization, and many civilians are thinking of them like that.

They have caused many rebellions too, so the Marines still can't see them in a good way. The Marines just can't accept a criminal organization ruling the world. Especially when they don't know if the Revolutionary Army truly wants the world to be better or if they have hidden agendas.

Both sides get into heated-up arguments that sound very uninteresting for Buggy. Though he likes the verbal fights despite the boring talk. He only watches them arguing over things as if he is watching a theater.

But then he becomes very impatient as this talk doesn't make any progress at all after quite a long time. He doesn't come here just to hear them talk for hours without any result. It's been hours too since he started the war, so he is tired, and the night is coming too.


Buggy hits the table really hard and breaks it into pieces. Everyone is startled, so they look at him who seems very displeased.

"How long will you keep talking in circles? Can't you just make this quick?"

"Quick? This is a very important discussion that will decide the world's future. We can't rush it or this world will fall into chaos."

"Do you think I'm that stupid, Sengoku? Of course, I know that very well. But you guys kept talking about unnecessary things and neglected the important ones. Should I remind you which side is the winner of this war? It's us, and these rebels are on our side in this war. You need to know that as the victor, we should be free to decide all of this. But we don't do that because we know we need Marines."

"Are you trying to force your decision again?"

"Well, of course, if it can make this end quickly. Marines, you keep saying they are criminals and whatnot. But they were criminals by the previous World Government's law. Their law was made to benefit themselves because whatever atrocities they did never made the Celestial Dragons or their people criminals. By my standards, even the Marines should be branded as a criminal organization after doing a lot of atrocities. Ohara is the easiest example, isn't that right, Fleet Admiral Kuzan?"

The Marines get silenced by what Buggy says because they themselves know they have done many evil things that were the opposite of their justice. But they still did those things because of orders. That means for them, their justice was lower than orders from the World Government.

"These guys were fighting against slavery that was illegal by law but being ignored when the Celestial Dragons were the ones who did it. Is that not a good enough example?"

The room is still silent.

"Well, enough of that. My point is both of your organizations aren't the perfect images of good world protectors. Can't you just accept each other and work together? I'm sure you Marines know there is no organization more suitable to take over the World Government other than the Revolutionary Army right now. Just let them do the governmental job while you do your job. Just make it so that the new World Government won't have control over Marines. Both Marines and the World Government should be partners that stand on equal ground to protect this world. You should keep each other in check and make sure they work properly. 2 souls in 1 body, just like that."

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now