515. Brotherly Alliance

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Spade Pirates quickly form an alliance with Straw Hat Pirates and Heart Pirates to challenge Legend Pirates. They meet and hold a party for a whole night before finally talking about their plan. Law is quite stressed by the 2 brothers who have rather similar personalities.

Luckily Ace still has some senses, unlike Luffy who does everything as he pleases. So at least Law doesn't need to worry about Ace not following the plan. Although there really isn't any plan except for who will face whom in this war.

"What do you think our winning chance will be, Magma Fist?"

"Honestly, I think it will be really low."

"Why do you think so?"

"I have fought one of them, Yamato many times and our powers are equal. Jack is as strong as Yamato, and Elen should be a bit weaker, but I'm not sure either because she rarely fought seriously and often stood at the back to give commands to their men. As for Alan, that guy is a beast. I challenged him once last year and he defeated me with a single punch to my stomach. That punch made me faint instantly. Honestly, I think he has better battle skills than Pops even though his power is lower."

"Do we need to fight him together?"

"Probably the only way. Also, I'm not even sure any of you can actually fight their main members one-on-one. Don't be mistaken, I'm not underestimating you. It's just that I heard you guys lost to 6-Stars Pirates."

"What that has to do with this?"

"Legend Pirates and 6-Star Pirates are parts of the same group, Clown Pirates' Fleet."

"What?! 6-Star Pirates too? I only know that Legend Pirates are in it, but not 6-Star Pirates."

"They are new members, or maybe were hidden previously. But that's not the main point here. I heard that Legend Pirates and 6-Star Pirates sparred a few times. The result? Legend Pirates only need 2 people to defeat the whole 6-Star Pirates."

Straw Hat & Heart Pirates are surprised by this because the people who defeated them are nothing compared to the ones they want to defeat now. Now they understand why Ace said their chance of winning is very low.

"So, you must have a plan since you still chose to ally with us despite knowing all of those. What's your plan, Magma Fist?"

"Hehe, you understand quickly, Trafalgar. My plan is simple. We will increase our chances first by getting stronger before we attack them. Else, we won't have any chance. Also, we can increase our number while training. Legend Pirates are under Clown Pirates, so they have many people. We will need more people to join us."

"Hmm, I agree with that. We can think of who we'll recruit, but what about the training?"

"Hehe, I already have a plan for that. Pops have lots of friends and I plan to ask one of them to teach us. He is as strong as an Emperor and very neutral. Also, he is a leader of a country. There are many strong people there, so we could try to recruit those people."

"Who is he?"

"Kozuki Oden, the Shogun of Wano Country, the Land of Samurai."

While their alliance is making a plan, the Legend Pirates are busy facing challengers. There are many pirate crews who think that they have better chances of defeating Legend Pirates now. These idiots think that Legend Pirates are easier to defeat than Whitebeard Pirates.

Well, it could be the case because Whitebeard's devil fruit ability is much more dangerous and they don't know how to counter that power. Alan's acid devil fruit surely looks much weaker than Whitebeard's devil fruit, that's why many pirates are more confident they can defeat Alan even though they can't defeat Whitebeard.

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