466. Imu & God's Knights

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Kong's expression is very ugly when he realizes that no reinforcements will come. The Marines have been held by their enemies while the Cipher Pol agents have been eradicated. There are still remaining agents and marines on other bases, but they are too weak to be of any help.

Buggy grins as he signals his crewmates to move forward. They dash toward the enemies, but then they suddenly run to the side while attacking the enemies with long-range weapons. Imu still looks enraged as he orders his men to chase the pirates.

"But Milord, what about you?" Garling asks while the others run to chase the pirates.

"I will handle him myself. You are not his match."

Garling wants to object and stay as he is the leader of God's Knights that should protect Imu. However, he doesn't dare to go against Imu's order because he knows how powerful Imu is. Garling finally leaves to chase the pirates with the others, leaving Imu there alone with Buggy.

"I will give you a chance to surrender, remnant of an ancient civilization. Even with the immortality given by Ope Ope Fruit, you still won't win against me."

"What an arrogant remark. I'm sure you are feeling that you are the best in the world now. But I've seen many who acted like you succumbed before us. Your outcome won't be any different. It might even be worse because you have angered me greatly. I will show you the power that has been gathered for 800 years!"

Suddenly, Imu's body expands as his skin becomes redder rapidly. His teeth turn into sharp jagged fangs, making his new face looks scary enough to make babies on the other side of the world cry. Sharp bony appendages also grow from his elbows and knees.

Buggy looks shocked while seeing a big long tail with an arrowhead-like tip grows from Imu's transformation. He never thought that Imu's devil fruit ability would look like this. It looks scary, but also cool at the same time, though he doesn't really know what this thing is.

"What creature is this?"

Imu's devil fruit transformation is that of a big humanoid creature with reddish skin. If Buggy must compare it to something, then it's very similar to a devil. But it doesn't look like the images of devils he ever saw.

"Well, it doesn't matter what you've become, I will still kill you. Whatever your devil fruit is, it will not be able to save you from me."

Buggy spins his swords for a moment before suddenly slashing them at Imu. He is confident he can cut Imu's body with his current power, especially when the other party is getting bigger. But what happens next makes his eyes widen in shock.

Imu suddenly disappears from his initial spot and appears behind Buggy. What shocks Buggy is he can't follow Imu's movement with his eyes at all. His eyes can even follow Kizaru's lightspeed movements, but he actually can't follow Imu's movement speed.

Luckily, he has future sight ability because of his advanced observation haki. He can see Imu's attack from behind, so he dashes forward to avoid a tail attack. Imu looks at Buggy indifferently as if he already knew everything that Buggy would do.

'Damn, I was a little careless. He isn't just someone who has lived for 800 years, he is a monster that has lived for 800 years. Whatever that devil fruit is, he has used it for 8 centuries, so his mastery must be very high. It was a correct decision to kill the 5 Elders immediately. If those old bastards were very powerful too just like Garp and Sengoku, then this would be very difficult.'

Another tail attack suddenly flies toward Buggy while he is pondering. It's very fast that he doesn't have time to evade. So he raises his swords and coats his body with haki before the massive tail hits him. He is sent flying some meters back, but he doesn't get hurt at all.

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