425. Back to Jaya

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While the war in Alabasta rages on, Buggy is speeding on the sea. Yeah, speeding, because he uses a speedboat that has just been made on Water 7. Alice the little girl is enjoying the ride so much because it's really fun for her.

"Haha, you really have a sailor soul, Alice."

"What? I can't hear you."

"Nothing, just enjoy the ride."

They travel very fast to their next destination, which is Jaya Island. That island is quite far from Water 7, so Buggy needs to be fast. Grandline's sea weather changes are not that good for Alice who is still a child.

So when they encounter bad weather, Alice hides inside the boat in a special room made for her. This room is warm and very well protected, but she still can see the outside because there are 2 glass windows. Buggy wants her to experience a lot of things in their journey.

He has decided to take care of her, so he will give everything he can to her. Buggy always said he is not a hero, but for those saved by him, he is their hero. Alice also feels like that and she feels very safe with Buggy after she lost her dad.

On their way to Jaya Island, Buggy finally shows his true appearance to Alice. He doesn't tell Alice his real identity though because she is very shocked already by his facial reveal. She might pass out if she knows he is the current most wanted man in the world.

He tells Alice that he is on a secret mission now and the little girl believes it right away. He also said his real name is a secret for now, and Kuroko is his codename. Buggy then asks Alice to help him in his mission and gives her a codename, Anya.

Alice smiles very widely and nods furiously before Kuroko a.k.a Buggy pats her head. Both of them keep going to Jaya while Buggy keeps entertaining Alice with the secret agent game he made. But he doesn't just play with her, he teaches her a few things too.

Because they are in a ship, uh, boat now, Buggy teaches her things about sailing. He introduces the basic knowledge of navigating, helming, roles in a ship crew, and other ship-related things. The little girl listens to all the lessons seriously because she thinks they are very important for her 'job' as an Agent.

That game makes Alice more lively. Buggy is very happy because she always looked sad since she lost her dad. She always tried to hide it, but a child like her can't fool an experienced man who has seen too many things. So it's really good that her mood has gotten better.

After a few days, they finally reach Jaya Island. It takes a few days even though their speed boat is faster than normal ships. Well, they still need to rest, after all, because Buggy operated it alone, and he needs to sleep too.

On Jaya, Buggy immediately searches for information about the Straw Hat Pirates. He goes to an information broker with Alice. The broker is a member of the Caribbean, so Buggy is their boss, but they don't know it because he doesn't use his real identity now to see if they work properly.

The war should've ended by now and he is right. It hasn't and won't appear in the news, so he buys the information from the Caribbean that kept an eye on the Straw Hat Pirates by his request. The war is obviously won by the Straw Hat Pirates, but some things are different from the original story.

The one who defeated Crocodile wasn't Luffy, it was Leo. It's because Luffy fought someone else, a man who joined Baroque Works through a special way. He has a sister who got recruited by Crocodile to be Ms. All Sunday, the position that Robin has in the series.

The man is a devil fruit user, Dog Dog Fruit model: Tasmanian Devil. He has sharp metal-coated claws & fangs that can rip Luffy's rubber skin easily. This guy is actually as strong as Crocodile, that's why Luffy has a hard time against him.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now