491. Progress

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Leo, Zoro, and Sanji go to the source of the explosion sound while the coward trio tries to stop them. Now it's not that they are worried about the 3 boys, but they don't want to cause any problems before entering the New World. Their Captain hasn't even arrived too, so they shouldn't cause commotion.

But they can't stop these boys who have been out of real action for some time. So in the end, the coward trio can only hide in the back when they arrive at the location while the 3 boys are openly watching the situation.

"What the hell are they doing?"

"A competition maybe. It can't be a war with spectators cheering on them."

What they see is a war between 2 pirate crews that is watched by so many people. The spectators are even betting on which side will be victorious. This is like a tournament instead of a war, but they truly try to kill each other.

"Are you guys new here?"

A hunched old man suddenly shows up beside them and asks.

"Yeah, we've just arrived."

"No wonder you don't know. This is actually something that started after the War of Gods. Many pirate crews tried to enter the New World, but they were stopped and could only stay here. They didn't even dare to sail around Paradise because the Marines were very active. So they stayed here and you can guess what would happen when many pirates were gathering in one place."

"They clashed."

"Correct, they started fighting each other. They fought everywhere, causing problems here and there, endangering civilians. So the Red Hair Pirates that stopped them from entering the New World took action. They forbid the pirates from fighting in any location. They could only fight here where no civilian lived. Also, they could only fight one at a time, either it's a personal battle or a crew battle."

"That really looks like a competition."

"Yeah, you can say that. This thing then becomes something like a tradition. Now pirate crews often fight here to see which one is more qualified to enter the New World. Of course, they started fighting because of arguments."

"Heh, sounds interesting. Should we join after Luffy comes?"

"Not a bad idea, Leo. We can warm ourselves up before going to New World."

"No can do, mosshead, fire brain. If we join the fight, we will draw too much attention. We should remain low before leaving Sabaody. 2 years aren't that long for people to forget. We were causing so much problem back then and our Captain was gaining too much attention in Marineford. At least wait for Luffy before you go make trouble."

Leo and Zoro click their tongues but don't say anything because Sanji is right. It will be very problematic if they gather too much attention before Luffy arrives. So they only watch the show and don't join for now.

They return to Shakky's bar after a while and finally get to meet with the others who have come here too. Everyone else has met 2 days ago and shared their experience, so now it's Leo's turn to share his experience as he has just arrived.

Obviously, they also share their experience with him because it won't be fair if he is the only one who doesn't know what his crewmates have gone through. Everyone has different kinds of exciting experience that doesn't lose to each other.

But the most exciting one for Leo is Sanji's life in the last 2 years. Well, by exciting, he means it is the most entertaining to hear of everyone's lives in these 2 years. Sanji's 2 years might be the most miserable out of everyone here, after all.

He lived with wannabe women while being a true woman lover himself. Every day was hell for Sanji and he was having a nightmare every night. These 2 years might be the scariest and worst time of his whole life. Even scarier than when he was stranded and almost died on an island with Zeff when he was a kid.

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