463. Atomic Bomb

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No one replies to Buggy's question. They just look at him warily because he has just singlehandedly cut the massive wall that separated the world. There's no way they could stay calm in front of this man now.

"Sigh, it seems you guys didn't pass your science exam. You guys should learn more about science, don't just learn politics. Well, whatever, I am feeling quite generous today, so I will explain it to you. I will even use the simplest explanation. So atom is the smallest part of a substance, it's the smallest part of everything in this world. Basically, an atom is what made everything, do you understand?"

"It seems they don't understand, Captain."

Cricket smirks while Buggy shakes his head while sighing sadly.

"They are too old, after all. Their brains must've shrunk and can't take such high knowledge. Whatever though. I just need to explain a few things. Anyway, old men, that was an atom. It's the smallest part of anything."

"What are you blabbering about, Clown?"

"Atom, of course."

Buggy says that while tossing the pure iron ball toward the 5 elders. They get startled and one of them cut the iron ball in half. But unlike what they expected, the iron ball doesn't explode as it is not a bomb as they thought.

"Oi, oi, you guys are so skeptical. I just want to give you some iron balls that resemble atoms. Here, 1 for each of you."

Buggu tosses 5 more pure iron balls toward the 5 elders. The elders are still wary, so Saint Ethanbaron cuts the iron balls again. But again, nothing happens. The iron balls just get cut in half, making Buggy sighs and shakes his head.

"You really can't trust others, huh? This is so heartbreaking. But well, you actually helped me."

The elders become very vigilant when they see Buggy suddenly grins evilly. They unconsciously activated their strange mythical zoan devil fruits which make Buggy and Clown Pirates surprised. Buggy knew the elders have some real power, but this is the first time he sees them using their devil fruit abilities, so he is still surprised.

"Oho, that's surprising, but that doesn't matter. I want to see if your mythical beasts' power can withstand scientific power. Old men, while nothing happened to those iron balls when they get cut, do you think the same thing will happen to atoms? What will actually happen when atoms get cut, do you know it? Well, I will show you the answer. I actually want your Lord to come out of the castle, but it seems they won't come out even after Marie Geoise fell."

The 5 elders widen their eyes in surprise when they hear Buggy saying 'their Lord'. It means he knows the existence of that person, which is shocking to them who always kept it as a secret. Buggy doesn't care though and he just smiles before he snaps his fingers on both hands.


An explosion bigger than any explosion the Clown Pirates have ever seen happens on Marie Geoise. It's so big that the fire of the explosion passes through the clouds and pierces the sky. The explosion is so bright too that it brightens half of New World and the light even passes Calm Belt to West and North Blue.

Everyone on nearby islands even needs to close their eyes because it's so bright for a moment. But it only lasts for a while before the impact of the explosion finally spreads. The uncut wall of Red Line trembles because of the impact and the wall near the explosion cracks.

The shockwave created by the explosion pushes Black Pearl far to the back. It even gets pushed quite far from Sabaody which also gets its bubbles destroyed by the shockwave. Luckily, because there is still a rather tall Red Line wall left on the sea blocking the shockwave, the Archipelago itself is safe, so no one gets hurt.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now