460. Haki Training

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Leo has left Elegia with the Red Hair Pirates and of course, Uta. They can't leave her there with Tot Musica's music sheet trying to keep calling her all the time. Also, everyone wants her to see the world more to change her perspective.

Shanks wants to take her to visit many places in the world. But before that, they will go to an uninhabited island in Calm Belt to train her & Leo. Just like Leo, she will need to train her combat ability to be safe when she's exploring the world with Red Hair Pirates.

The uninhabited island they'll use to train is an island full of strong beasts that Clown Pirates found when they explored Calm Belt. Though it's different from Ruskaina. Clown Pirates named this island Foggia because thick fog appears all day and night in the forest.

The only places without fog are the beach and the big lake in the center of the island. That means they can only camp either on the beach or lake. For now, they decide to stay on the beach because they don't know much about the island yet.

So they need to explore the island to know more about it before letting the kids enter the island. Shanks starts his lesson immediately while his crewmates prepare to explore the island. He will teach Haki to Leo while Uta will learn battle skills with Benn.

"Have you ever heard of Haki?"

"No, is that a famous person?"

"It's not a person, Haki is power, spiritual power that can be used to fight."

Shanks starts explaining Haki to Leo and demonstrates the uses of 3 Haki types. He asks his crewmates to help him demonstrate the 1st type before they leave. They shoot a lot of bullets and Shanks dodges them easily with his eyes closed, surprising Leo greatly.

"This is the 1st type, Observation Haki."

Then Shanks shows Armament Haki by taking all the bullets with his body. Leo and Uta are shocked, but they get even more shocked when they see that none of the bullets hurt Shanks. They bounce off Shanks's skin which seems to be as hard as steel, even the sound of bullets hitting his body is that of bullets hitting a steel wall.

Lastly is Conqueror Haki that Shanks demonstrated by using it on Leo directly. Leo can feel the invisible pressure that oppresses his mind and soul directly. It's a very powerful pressure, but Leo is standing there unfazed, making Shanis smile.

"That pressure you just felt was Conqueror Haki, a type of Haki only owned by a number of people in the whole world. It's said that Conqueror Haki can't be acquired by training. Those who can use it are those who are born with it. The ones who have Conqueror Haki are those who have the potential to stand above others and have the quality to be Kings. Though your father really hates that belief."


"He believes that Conqueror Haki is obtained and anyone can awaken it as long as their will is powerful enough that it won't waver under any pressure. Those who awaken Conqueror Haki are those who will never give up and will always stand up for their ideals and dreams. That's what your father said because he thinks that's what happened to him."

"My dad has Conqueror Haki?"

"Yeah, and it's the strongest I've ever faced. I am very confident with my Conqueror Haki, but his Conqueror Haki always gives me a sense of oppression. His belief in Conqueror Haki came from his life experience. He was someone without great ambition and could be said to be a coward. But then he changed and reached his current level. That's why he believes that Conqueror Haki can be obtained by those who deserve it."

"Amazing! That means I need to awaken Conqueror Haki too and make it stronger than him."

"Haha, that is a must if you want to surpass him. But you also need to train the other 2 Haki types because they are very useful and more practical in battles, especially the Armament Haki that is said to be the most useful."

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