479. Turning Point

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"Nice face, man. You look more menacing that way."

Buggy smirks while reattaching his burnt foot. It hurts, but the joy of seeing his attack damage Imu's face is covering that pain. After all, it isn't just damage, it is a sign that Imu's defense has started to get weaker, so his attacks can pass through more easily from now on.

Though it also applies to him seeing how his foot skin was burnt by Imu's power. Well, it doesn't matter for him because what matters for Buggy is having his attacks succeed. He doesn't mind getting a lot of injuries if it means he can defeat Imu.

It's not like he is new to injuries. He is a pirate who has gone through a lot of bad situations that even threatened his life. Getting injured is something that happens often to him and everyone in his crew.

Though the last time he got gravely injured was years ago. But for the sake of defeating Imu, he won't mind getting the most deadly injury he would ever get. It doesn't mean he will gladly sacrifice himself to die though. Victory is sweet when he can enjoy it, after all.

Still, maybe it's too early to think about victory because there is at least one person who doesn't want that. Imu looks murderously at Buggy as if he is the most hateful man in the world. This is a humiliation for Imu, after all, so obviously, he won't be calm after getting his face broken.

Without saying a word, Imu suddenly jumps toward Buggy in the sky. The red ground cracks when he jumps and a big dent appears. In a split second, Imu already reaches Buggy's position, and with a very angry expression, Imu sends a black flame punch at Buggy's body.

Too bad for Imu, Buggy can follow his movement and block his attack. Buggy slaps Imu's black flame fist with his half-dragon tail that obviously is covered with advanced haki. The slap pushes Imu's fist to the side, so Buggy doesn't get hit.

Taking his chance, Buggy sends his advanced haki-coated claws at Imu. But Imu reacts very quickly and shoots a black flame beam from his mouth at Buggy's claws. Other than blocking Buggy's attack, the beam also pushes himself back to prepare for another attack.

Numerous fireballs with different colors suddenly appear around Imu. Buggy frowns while looking at the colorful fireballs. He knows these fireballs are extraordinary. So far, he only saw Imu using red and black fire, but it seems Imu still has more types of fire that he can use.

'Do they have different properties? Maybe the black and red are the best for battle or maybe attacks while the others are maybe supports or useless in battle. But if that's the case, then why is he showing them now?'

Buggy makes an assumption because this will surely affect their battle. But he stops worrying after a while because it will just give him unnecessary problems. There's no use in worrying about it now. He just needs to focus and defeat Imu no matter what the guy would show.

Right when Buggy stops overthinking, Imu combines the numerous colorful fireballs into one big black fireball with a rainbow core. The fireball floats on Imu's head and he holds it with one hand. Buggy looks at it with envy because it looks really cool, but he can't do it because his devil fruit ability isn't energy-based power.

He can't be worried about it for too long though because Imu's big fireball suddenly explodes into numerous black-rainbow fireballs that shoot toward Buggy from all sides. Many even fly far to the back and turn around to target Buggy's behind.

"Want to overwhelm me with numbers and speed? Dream on!"

The fireballs are flying very fast and Buggy can feel their power. They are very hot and Buggy can feel the energy packed in those fireballs. Each one of them can level a whole town if it explodes. Even Buggy won't take such power easily, especially when there are so many of them.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now