509. Weak Ass Rookies

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Buggy fights the remaining pirates on their ships using only martial arts. He still doesn't use his sword and devil fruit ability at all. These rookies are just too weak for him.

Kid's various metal attacks that he controls using his magnet are destroyed with mere punches and kicks by Buggy. Killer's spinning swords can't cut Buggy's skin that gets coated with haki. But it's still annoying, so Buggy grabs the spinning swords and breaks them.

Hawkins and Drake who attack from other sides also can't do much. However, Hawkins gets more attacks than the others because of his power. Buggy uses more lethal attacks on Hawkins that would have killed him a few times already.

But Hawkins is still alive because his power allows him to replace his death with others. That's why Buggy keeps using deadly attacks on Hawkins. He rips apart the guy's straw body and makes small straw puppets fall out.

"That's the 10th puppet, your 10th spare life, and should be the last. Now, show me a better struggle or you will die next."

Buggy is grinning at Hawkins while blocking Drake's Axe. Apoo is also attacking from afar using sounds to hit Buggy. His attacks are better than the others, but they are still not enough to truly injure Buggy's body.

If it's the other Emperors, then their attacks would give some damage like flesh wounds. But Buggy's body has been trained harder than anyone and has surpassed all limitations through various methods.

Battles, training, and even science, he used them all. But the scientific methods weren't something like genetic mutations. It was simply using science to find the ways for him to breakthrough the limits of his body by himself.

Of course, it was hard, but Buggy always worked harder than anyone else. The result is his current physique that may have surpassed all humans. He surpassed even Big Mom's ridiculous physical traits.

None of these rookies here have the power to damage him. But he keeps fighting them as if they can injure him. Although he likes to mock & provoke them, Buggy never truly underestimates his opponents even if it's an ant because he never knows if they might have something that can be his weakness.

It doesn't take long for him to defeat every single rookie pirate on both alliances. But he doesn't kill anyone and the most they get is broken bones. Killing them wouldn't be interesting, after all.

"Hey, weaklings! Grow stronger and find me again to fight. I never killed weak people, so come to me after getting stronger and worthy to be killed by me."

Buggy grins widely before he leaves using the smallest ship from one of the ships. He chooses to take a small ship because he takes their valuables and supplies. These are compensation for all the trouble they've caused him.

Then he goes to his original destination to meet with some people. He leaves the devastated rookies on their badly damaged ships that will need a lot of repairs. But they need to repair the damage themselves with any materials they have because Buggy looted most of their wealth.

When he arrives on the island, some people have waited for him at the port. Buggy has called this island's Caribbean branch on his way here because he needs people to take care of the loot. These guys know what to do, so he leaves for the meeting place immediately.

"Seems like I've made you wait."

"No worries, your men have told us what happened on your way here. Actually, we are curious about it."

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