Chapter 2

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When I woke up I was back in the blood stained room again. My left arm was throbbing but I did notice the boy wasn't there anymore. When I got my wits about me I heard screaming mixed with yelling. While I was listening to that I wouldn't stand anymore. I was wishing something would just kill me instead of having to hear someone in pain. It finally stopped after about 5 minutes (though it felt like 5 hours). Then I heard the door open when it opened I saw the fat guy carrying the boy over to the couch. After he left I went to examine him.

Now I'm not a nurse but it looked like he had been beaten some more and he had a huge cut on his arm like I'm talking 6 inches or more. This is when I wished I had some type of doctor background or at least one in my family tree or something. There was a dresser on the left side of this nasty room. I searched the drawers looking for anything to use as a bandage (I thought that was the best thing to do since that's what they do in movies). I was about to give up when in the last drawer there was an old plaid shirt in it. So I tore that up into strips and put those on the wound. Then I applied pressure on it to help stop the bleeding. I used the remainder of the shirt as a bandage. When I finished with that I took a step back to admire my work which let me tell you was not easy. Then I almost immediately noticed all the other slashes. Unfortunately I couldn't do anything to help those.

I was wonder what time it was since it had to be pretty late considering everything that had happened today. Well I started to get extremely tired so I went ahead and fell asleep. At first I thought that everything that had happened was just a bad dream but then I opened my eyes and realized that it was reality not a dream (sadly). I looked around the room just to make sure it wasn't my bedroom but it diffidently wasn't! Then I noticed I had been sleeping on the couch. I knew I hadn't fallen asleep there, so how did I get there? I turned my head to the left and saw the guy sleeping like a log on the floor I was almost positive that he was here when I fell asleep. Well I will ask him after he wakes up. About an hour later he woke up with a sigh.

"Well good morning sunshine!" I said.

He replied with a face expression that said he was not in the mood for joking around. The next thing that he did surprised me so much I jumped, he started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked startled.

"Because I don't usually wake up to girl," he replied. Well I found this comment quite awkward but you know whatever. Since I would sure hope that most boys his age wouldn't wake up to a girl in the same room. After thinking about what he had said for like 20 minutes I finally replied with;

"Well how are we supposed to get out of here?" He didn't respond though he was just staring out into the distance like a statue. Then he asked me a very random question;

"What's your name?" He didn't look like he was in a daze anymore but he was still staring at me waiting so intently for an answer.

"Courtney and yours is?" I responded.

"Lane," he answered. Well I at least know his name now and I don't have to call him "the guy". After that little bit of conversation the door opened and a tray of food was thrown in. It had some cold bacon, burnt toast, and chunky milk. We only ate the first two since chunky milk is just nasty. After we finished breakfast we just sat around, still starving. I looked down at my stained clothes, and then thought about how clean they were yesterday morning. After we finished I pretty much didn't do anything except think about how nice it would be to be home and in some fresh clean clothes instead of these blood stained, nasty ones. This is one of those times that I really wished I had thought about putting my watch on for once, since I still don't know what time it is the only way I can figure it out is when the sun rises and when it sets. So I am guessing it is around...who am I kidding I have no idea what time it is. As long as the time goes by fast in the day and slow in the night I don't really care what time it really is. I wonder if my parents are searching for me, if my friends are wondering where I am, it sure is a bad thing thinking about these things, here is a suggestion to you: never think about these things unless you have to, because those things are very depressing right now to me at least and I bet they would be to you if you starting thinking about them too.

Well after that mess I think I might just take a nap, the only good thing about this is that I do get a bunch of rest, let's just say you never have lack of sleep. I would say I probably got about thirty minutes of sleep before I heard someone starting to undo the locks. I couldn't believe I actually heard that though because at home I was the deepest sleeper they even said that I was practically dead when I was asleep. Anyways when they man came in he just kind of looked at us and smiled a very evil smile at that. After that he took me and asked me a few questions, very odd questions like, "Are you enjoying yourself?" of course he asked them all with the evil smile on his face, and who asks those question they are very stupid questions, as you probably guessed. Well after he finished with me he brought me back to the room and took Lane back. I wonder how long I was in there because it sure did seem to be a long time but I think he might have kept Lane in there a bit longer.

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