Chapter 5

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The next day they did just as they were saying, they told us to put on some large sweatshirts and we got in the back of a different van, this time it was black. I guess they got a new one because the police were on to them and they needed a new vehicle. Of course they bond our hands and feet together but no gag this time, probably because they were thinking that we were starting to get too weak to do too much. They drove for a few hours when we got there, (where ever there is) we got out and they told us not to try anything while we were getting in they stayed behind us with a knife in our backs.

The room was actually pretty nice, it had 3 king size beds, bathroom, and a small kitchen, and surprisingly there were a few different rooms other than just the bathroom. They handcuffed Lane to the window of course the blinds and curtains were closed and I got the chair next to the desk.

"Okay you both get to sleep where you are, no exceptions," Eddy told us. We kind of just nodded to tell him we understood. I bet he didn't think about that he couldn't hurt us while we were in the hotel since there were other guests staying there, and then I thought oh yeah they would just gag us where no one could hear us screaming in horror, of course if we could just get of the room somehow the security cameras could tape them chasing after us. Thank goodness instead of doing anything else with us they just let us go to sleep. While I was asleep I had a great dream, of being back with my family and with my friends. Unfortunately I woke up from this wonderful dream back to my miserable life but I knew it was coming sometime I just wish I could have slept a bit longer since it was such a nice dream. When I woke up first thing I noticed was that Eddy and Tom weren't in the room it was just me and Lane. He wasn't even awake yet but it looked like they had already got a hold of him earlier from all of the scratches and cuts on his face. When they came back they had like a secret conference between the two of them and then looked back at us with scissors in Eddy's hand.

"Haircut time!!!!!" he exclaimed. I will have to say that my hair had gotten really long since the start of this kidnapping and so has Lane's.

So they came over to me and untied me and took out a gun, put it next to my neck and said,

"You better not do anything or you will die while your friend watches and then he dies." Tom yelled at me. I didn't dare move a muscle, after that threat. They cut so much hair off my head I thought it might have looked like I was a boy after that. Daringly I took the mirror they surprisingly gave me to look at my new haircut; it actually didn't look too bad it was about shoulder length like a used to wear it about a year ago. Then they cut Lane's back to the length it was when I arrived accept a bit shorter more of a "Justin Bieber" cut. When Eddy and Tom finished with that we look so different I don't think that anyone would recognize me. I guess that was a good thing for Eddy and Tom though, since no one will recognize me they won't guess that I have been kidnapped but Lane on the other hand looks pretty much exactly like he did so that is a whole different story practically. I guess to make sure that no one could possibly recognize us they dyed our hair, mine was now a dirty blonde color and Lane's was black.

While we were tied up they had left the television on and I saw my face on it. I heard they newscaster say "Courtney Wall has been missing for 1 week now and the police are still trying to find any leads on where she could be. If you have any information call Crime Stoppers at..." Just the thought of my worrisome parents thinking I might be dead that just made me cry. I'm usually really strong and I don't cry very often but this was an exception. Lane looked at me with the expression of worry, but then his expression hardened.

"Well at least your parents care about you," he said with a tear almost escaping his eye.

"Why would you say that? I mean I bet that your parents are looking for you as well," I exclaimed trying to cheer him up.

"Because my parents could care less about me, they probably don't even know I am gone." I looked at him with shock. How could he even talk about his parents like that? "I guess you are wondering why I would ever say a thing like that but my parents, they abused me, like anything that a bully at school would do, they would do that to me except they made it a worse and blamed be for their problems," I could not believe what I was hearing I mean that is just horrible! He lifted up sleeve from behind his back and turned away from me where I could see his scars. I thought those were from our kidnappers but I never would have ever guessed they were from his parents.

"These are from my parents even though a few might be from these guys. Remember that day that a came back into the room shaking?" he asked and I nodded.

"Well that was after he started doing what my parents would do to me, you would think I would have gotten used to it but I couldn't take it anymore they had been beating me like my parents did since I had gotten there but the only thing I could do is shake in horror," he said while looking at the ground.

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