Chapter 4

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After I got awake I realized that my arm was in a make shift sling. I wonder who did that and where did they get the materials; there are so many questions just not enough answers. I also realized that Lane was nowhere to be seen, at the moment. About an hour later the chubby guy came in with Lane, evidently they used the knock out gas with him too. Right after the guy left I went up to the door and pressed my ear against it to see if I can hear anything. Surprisingly the door was very thin so I could hear every word of their conversation,

Guy 1: "I think they have figured out our license tag number and where we are located at the moment."

Guy 2: "Well where should we move this time, we can't just let the kids go or they will tell them everything?"

Guy 1: "Let's see here where would the police not look?"

Guy 2: "I bet they never would look in a hotel."

Guy 1: "Yeah, but there is a bunch of security in hotels, and anyways how would we get them in there without them trying anything?"

Guy 2: "I think there too weak to do anything and we have a knife just stay behind them and have it in their back."

Guy 1: "But what about all the cuts and bruises?"

Guy 2: "That's what sweatshirts are for."

Guy 1: "Okay Tom we can try that but if anything goes wrong it will be you going to prison."

Tom said evilly, "Oh, nothing will go wrong if I'm in charge of it."

Guy 1: "Okay I believe you."

Then their conversation was over, I tried to listen to see if I could hear any other conversation when someone opened the door. It was Tom, from the conversation I could tell by his voice.

Tom exclaimed, "Hey, Eddy this girl was ease dropping on our conversation."

Eddy replied, "Well I guess we'll have to teach her a lesson, won't we?"

Tom said with an evil laugh, "I think we will."

They literally dragged me out of the room, to of course another room I have never been in, they took a knife out, if you are asking what type of knife it was don't ask because I really wasn't paying that much attention to that at the time. Unfortunately the just went wild with the knife and started cutting be pretty much everywhere. The pain was horrible just think of the worst thing that has happened to you, like falling off your bike and skinning your knee or something else and then multiply that times like five, that's how painful it was but I didn't faint surprisingly. After that was done they actually took a step back and looked at what they had done to me, I was thinking these people are sick and some other thoughts too.

"That should teach her not to be so nosey," Eddy exclaimed. Let's just say I was excited that they weren't going to hurt me anymore. Tom carried me back into the room and dropped me on the floor, I guess to let all of my cuts finish bleeding. After they left Lane just looked at me and said,

"What happened to you?"

"What does it look like happened to me?" I yelled.

"I meant what did you do that made them do that to you?" he corrected himself.

"I was ease dropping on their conversation," I said quietly.

"Oh well did you find out anything? How long was I out before they took you?" he asked.

"Yes, I actually did, I think they are going to take us to a hotel because the police has caught on to them, and I don't know that really wasn't what I was concentrating on at the time," I told him.

"Okay well that could be a perfect chance to escape unless they wanted to make a scene in public," he said with a smile.

"Yeah but they already discussed that too, and they aren't going to let that happen, if one of us do try to escape they will run a knife into the other one even if that does make a scene, I guess that might not be the best time to try to escape. The best time would be when they are sure that we can't get away but I'm not sure when that will happen," I answered.

"Oh well maybe that's not the best plan then," he laughed.

"No!" I said sarcastically.

"What do they want with us anyway? I mean they have already had their fun I thought." He replied.

"I don't know I guess they thought it would be fun torturing a couple of teenagers. I guess there fun isn't over till we die or they get caught." I said gruesomely. The thought of that made both of us quite sad and it made me think about how I might never see my parents again but at least I would die with someone the same age as me, I guess that doesn't really make a difference but it makes me feel a bit better. We will just have to figure out a way to get out before that happens, hopefully I can come up with a plan. We didn't get any supper tonight probably because of what I did but that's okay I guess (not).

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