Chapter 6

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Well Lane has been very quiet since we had been talking about his parents and all. About an hour later Eddy and Tom same back but simply looked at us but didnt come over and hurt us at all. The bad part was that the had 2 cases of beer with them, that must be what they left to get this morning.

Two hours pasted by with nothing happening. I pretty much just sat there, day dreaming and it was actually quite nice. But of course those jerks had to ruin the moment. You could tell they were drunk, because you could smell the alcohol. It was disgusting! They came over to me and brought me to another room and told me,

"We can't find any more chloroform, so prepare your self."

I had no idea what in the world they meant at first but then they came back in the room with a baseball bat and I suddenly knew what they meant.

While I was thinking about this i felt something hard come into contact with my head and I realized that, that had to have been the baseball bat. Black splotches started to block my vision and finally I blacked out.

When I woke up i was being carried by someone. I couldn't really see where we were going cause my vision was still quite blurry, and I had a terrible migraine. I think we were getting in the van but I really couldn't tell. So after 30 minutes pasted i started to focus my vision where I could actually see something. I looked around and only saw Lane beside, he was still out. I think he might have been just as unlucky as me but at least he stayed knocked out longer. I saw someone in the front who I didn't recognize. Lane looks so cute when he's sleeping except for the pained expression he had on his face. Wait! I can't think he's cute, he practically hates me so no, I can't fall for him.

Lane finally woke up an hour later. I think that he couldn't see well either cause he was blinking, like a lot.

"You okay?" I asked him worriedly

"Yeah I'm fine, just everything is kind of blurry," he replied.

"Don't worry, that will wear off," I told him from personal experience.

"Where are we?" He looked at me and asked. I felt heat in my cheeks. Woah now I can't be blushing, no it must just be getting hot in here [Haha like the song lol].

"I have no idea, if I knew that i would have already told you," I said trying not to sound worried.

"I guess we will just have to find out," he said.

"Yeah, well I think that is a given," i replied

The car stopped and some people came to the back of the car. I didn't recognize the one but he had to be much younger then the others. Like almost my age maybe a year older. He grabbed me and carried me bridle style seeing as my hands and feet were both still bound. He sat me in a room and just left. I couldn't really tell if they got Lane but I think they might have put him in a different

room, which almost made me worried. Only moments later i hear a cry of pain. Oh no i thought they must have Lane.


Thanks everyone for reading if you got this far. Sorry it's so short i really didn't have time to make it super long.

I will post the next chapter when I get 10 votes and 3 more subscriptions.

Thanks again!!!!!

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