Chapter 10

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It's been a few days since of seen any sign of Eddy, Tom, or even Chase. I haven't seen Lane either which is making me a bit worried. Since I haven't seen any of them that means i haven't gotten any food or water for the last few days either. I've noticed that I'm starting to lose a bunch of weight which most girls would be happy about but I was already skinny so I bet that I look a tiny bit like a skeleton. I could feel my stomach growl, and that happens quite often now. My mouth is drier then it has ever been before.

Suddenly I heard the door knob turn which startled me since I haven't heard any noises in those few days. A man appeared with a boy, who I think might be Lane, but I'm not sure. He looks so different but then he looks like how I've seen him. The man, who I didn't recognize brought Lane beside of me and laid him on the ground. He came to me and unbounded my hand and feet. He also took the gag out of my mouth thankfully. Lane didn't have any bounds on. After the man had finished with me he left and locked the many locks on the door.

I attempted to get up from the chair I had been sitting in but I ended up just falling on the floor, face first. Lane was evidently asleep, cause he didn't move a muscle when I fell. He looked even worse then i did, he was so thin that I was becoming quite worried about his health. I ended up trying a few more times to stand up which I finally succeeded in doing on the 4th try. I walked around the room to check for any holes or anything but there were none.

Discouraged about not being able to escape I decided to go back to where Lane was laying. I inspected him to check for anymore bruises or cuts. He had none, it was just his health that was in bad condition because he hasn't eaten or drank anything for the few days either. The door was unlocked once more and 3 bottles of water, 1/2 a loaf of bread plus 3 apples were thrown inside the room. When the guy had locked the door, I went and brought the food and water over to where we were.

I guess I should wake Lane up, I thought. So I gently tapped him on the shoulder trying to awake him from his peaceful state. He flinched when I tapped him, and he woke up almost instantly. He had fear in his eyes till he noticed that it was just me not any of those men.

"They brought us some food and water," I told him softly.

"It's about time!" He exclaimed with a raspy voice. I handed him a bottle of water and some bread.

"Drink it really slow, or you won't be able to keep it down for very long, and same with the bread," I explained trying to help him. He nodded, telling me that he heard me and understood what I had said.

We both ate and drank as slow as we could manage. We didn't eat all of the food since we didn't know when they might give us more. After we finished we decided to just lay on the floor and talk a bit.

"Where were you the last few days?" I questioned.

"I was in another room tied to a table, they came in once and started questioning me," he said with fear.

"What type of questions did they ask?" I wondered.

"Random stuff, like about my parents, they threatened me that if I didn't answer the questions that they would hurt you and my parents," he answered. I just laid there on the floor thinking about any way we could get away from these mental people. I couldn't come up with any ideas, not one. We sat in silence for the next couple of hours. Till someone came into the room, to my surprise it was Chase. He gave me a reasuring smile and I almost smiled back till I saw Eddy behind him.

"Come on princess, we have to move again," Eddy told me and Lane. With that, they took us and bound our wrists and ankles back up and put us in the van. Surprisingly they didn't gag us at all. Chase stayed in the back with us while Eddy and Tom was figuring out how to drive.

"I'm sorry my Uncle is doing this to you two, I wish I could help in someway," Chase said. Right after he said that his eyes lit up which got me thinking about what in the world he could be thinking about. But with that I was finally exhausted and I started to fall asleep. Why did i have to fall asleep now?!?!


Hey sorry i haven't written in a while. I have been really busy with horse stuff and a Spanish project. I hope you enjoy this chapter though. I'm sorry it's so short.

Tell me what you think about it.


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