Chapter 17

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About an hour past before I could find the energy to get out of the bed to go see my peeps. So I knocked on my door seeing that the guard was in front of it where he could take me to their rooms. We went into Lane's room first this time but then I saw that he was asleep, so we decided on bugging Chase instead because I knew Lane did need more rest then Chase and I since he was the one with the most injuries. So we walked over to Chase's room and opened the door. Then I heard someone say,

"There's this new thing, it's called knocking!" It was Chase. I should have figured. I just looked at him and laughed. He sounds like a comedian at times then some times he's just so serious. I went over to sit in the chair close to his bed when I heard some screams and then someone said lock down the rooms everyone lock them down. I heard some people lock the door that we were in and Chase and I (me mostly) started to freak out. Then I heard some gun shots and I was in a state of shock and I was having a panic attack. I don't understand why I have those things, I mean I never ever used to have panic attacks but now I have them when just something small happens. Chase seemed to just be in a daze it seemed like maybe having a flashback or something, or maybe he's just in shock. A few minutes passed with practically no sound, but then I heard someone say.

"Crap, they got out, go get them! Don't let them get away from us!" It must be Eddy and Tom, there's nobody else that would have broken into a hospital and started shooting but of course there are some freaks in America now a days so maybe it wasn't. One can only hope that, that would be the result. I looked over to Chase again and he was as pale as a ghost.

"Chase. Chase!" I yelled. He seemed to wake up from his daze at this time. He looked around, and said,

"That must have been my uncle and Tom, it just had to been. But I didn't think that they would take the effort to try to get us in the hospital."

"I sure hope it wasn't but I believe it was. I didn't think they would either but I guess they can surprise us in quite a few different ways," I replied. I hope Lane is okay, he is probably traumatized. I wonder if it's safe to go out now, probably not though. I went over and knocked on the door but I didn't get an answer from the outside. I tried opening it and to my surprise it was open. What happened to locking everything down? Well when I got a good look outside what I saw really scared me.

I saw blood all over the floor, I guess since this is a hospital and all they already took the people that got shot and started treating them, but the scene out there was just unbearable for me. I started to feel very dizzy and I eventually fell over. I heard distant voices saying something but I couldn't tell what they were saying, and then everything just went black.

I woke up with that annoying beeping noise again, gosh why couldn't that thing just shut up for once. I suddenly remembered everything that had happened the other day. It just gave me a head ache thinking about all of that. I noticed that there were some doctors around me and a few nurses. I looked at them with a questionable look. I don't think they noticed me being awake because they didn't even look at me.

"Miss, how do you feel?" One asked me, causing me to flinch at the surprise of them actually knowing I was awake. "Don't worry we aren't going to hurt you or anything," another said. Well that wasn't really what I was thinking about but okay.

"Well my head feels like a rocket is going off in there," I answered them.

"You hit your head when you fell. You have been unconscious for 3 days," one of the nurses told me. What?! Three days? I thought it was only for a day at the most. Oh goodness I wonder how the boys are.

"How are Lane and Chase?" I asked.

"Well Lane had a panic attack but he's recovered from that quite well and Chase is about the same state he was when you blacked out, but he asks about you every time we go into his room," one of them replied. Awe, he asks about me, how sweet!

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