Chapter 19

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Chase's Point of View

When Tom came in to my hospital room memories started swarming my head from last time. Then just thinking about that happening all over again except for the fact that I wasn't even abducted really the first time, I came on my own will, till I tried to help the others escape then I became just another prisoner in the jail. I still can't believe I am related to that monster in any way. While I was doing all of that thinking and freaking out, Tom had already tied my hands behind my back and bound my legs together with rope. He pulled me out of the room and sat me on the floor right beside where Lane was already tied up. I could see Eddy going in to Courtney's room, I wish I could save both of them form having to go back through all of this mess. I don't know how well either one will take having to be kidnapped once more. I witnessed the whole scene with Courtney trying to run and escape but it didn't work. I knew that she would just get punished when we got to where ever we were going to be. After she tried escaping Eddy drugged her and then he came over to us. First, he knocked Lane out, then he came over to me. I tried to hold my breath but as you might know. You can only hold you breath so long. Meaning that I eventually had to breath in that chemical mess and everything went black.

When I woke up, I was in a dark room with only one window in it. The room was about the size of a small bedroom and had a gray rug covering the whole thing. It had some random pictures, that looked like they were from the 1800 century. I then figured out that I was tied up, surprisingly. I decided to get up and investigate this room. I wonder where Lane and Courtney are, I hope that this freaks haven't done anything to them yet. I started to walk around the room looking around to see what all was there. There really wasn't much, just a random sofa and a dresser that didn't have anything in it. I thought the good idea in this situation, since I have nothing better to do, was to sleep so that's exactly what I did.

It was two days or so before Eddy came into the room. Let's just say I was very thirsty by then and I was pretty sure that I had lost a few pounds already. When Eddy came in he thankfully did bring a bottle of water and a piece of bread. I guess he didn't want to kill his prisoners quite yet. He probably just wanted us alive where he can torture us.

"Okay this is how it's going to work around here now. You do what we say and no one get's hurt. If you do something that your not suppose to, one of your little friends will be the one that pays for it. If you try to tell you mom about what has happened when she comes to visit you, you and them will be punished," Eddy explained. I bet your probably wondering why my mom wouldn't have heard about these guys on TV or something, well that would be because we live in a totally different state actually we have been visiting from California, so that should explain it. Eddy does kind of scare me now, I mean he never was really close to any of my family members so I don't really know why mom even wanted me to go stay with him. Supposedly she is going to come visit me in about a week but I don't even know if she will or not. Our family is not exactly really close with each other, we kind of just do our own thing.

After Eddy finished all of his talking he left me with the bread and water which I took happily. The bread was a little stale but I wasn't going to complain because it's the only thing I've had to eat in quite a while and the water tasted about the same. I just wish that they would bring me something to eat and drink sooner then they actually do. That would be really nice but we all know that they aren't that nice.

A few days later Tom came in and told me I would be allowed privileges if they could trust that I would be alright outside of that little room. Well it ended up they meant that I would only be allowed to go in the kitchen, that room, and a bathroom, instead of the whole house, which I was a little disappointed about but it's better then nothing. At least they are giving me the privilege of moving around and eating. I wish that I knew where Lane and Courtney are but I know if I go and look for them that I will get in trouble and they will be the ones that end up paying for my mistake. So I decided to just stay in my boundaries till I can think of a good plan to get Lane and Courtney out of here with me.

Later on that day I went over to the fridge to see what I could have for dinner. I had never looked in there before. I found 3 or 4 containers of some type of liquid drugs which didn't really surprise me. I also found some bottled water like the one Eddy had brought me, and some gross looking food. Since I didn't find anything appetizing in the refrigerator I decided to look in the cabinets but there wasn't much to eat in there either. I would tell Eddy and Tom to go to the store but I thought better of that idea, because that would probably be a reason to lock me up again. Then my chance to help all of us escape would be gone. I had been seeing some new guy for the past two days but I never bothered to speak to him. Actually I never really spoke much to anyone these days, I mean I didn't really have much to say so why bother? At least that was my perspective on things. This new guy looked like he would be very rough and looked like he might have been in some type of gang or something before he joined Eddy and Tom. I decided not to worry about him since he hasn't said anything to me and hasn't hurt me yet. I wonder if Courtney and Lane are okay, I know all three of these men are evil so you might never know what will happen. I guess that would be one of those times to expect the unexpected, but I've never understood that phrase. I mean really, how do you expect the unexpected? Is that even physically possible? So many questions not enough answers, that's how it always is. I bet you guys know how that is too. After a while of just thinking, it started to give me a bit of a head ache so I decided to get some rest.

Sorry it's so short guys. I will try to update again soon but I've been super busy with school and nanowrimo. Thanks for reading though!

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