Chapter 23

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I went over to Lane and shake him, my goodness he was a deep sleeper. If I had some water I would have dumped it on him, but I didn't have any. He finally started to wake up after what seemed like ten minutes just trying to wake him.

"What's happening?" he asked sleepily.

"We are blowing this Popsicle stand so get your butt up and let's go before they find us," I told him. That actually got him up, what a surprise! I should have tried that the first time, it would have been so much easier. It was kind of hard to stand up and I felt so weak but I had to get out of here or it wouldn't get any better.

After a bit of a struggle Lane and I finally did got up, it was harder then I thought it would be. Now we just had to sneak out of here without any noises and then run for our lives, sounds fun right? Well I guess we would find out if it was any "fun" or not. When we did get up we kind of went into a football huddle position to discuss Chase's plan.

"Okay I don't really have a very in depth plan, meaning we might have to improvise a little bit since I don't exactly know where the heck we are but if we just stick to the main plan we should be fine," Chase started. Lane and I nodded in response.

"First thing is getting out of this prison, we go out this door and through the hallway to the main door that leads to outside. When we get outside we will need to just run as fast as we can and hope that no one heard us leave. The only thing I'm worried about is Matt, I think he might rat us out and tell Tom and Eddy but if we hurry it won't really matter," he explained. Wow, it really seemed like he thought long and hard about this plan but when you heard it, you would have thought he came up with most of it just five minutes ago.

When he finished explaining the so called "plan" we got out of the football huddle position and started the plan. Chase was in the lead then Lane, and I was in the back. We went through the door that I had never actually been able to walk through but I was glad I was going through it on my own two feet this time. We then went through the hallways that Chase was talking about and I could see the door from there. I wonder what we would do if it was locked, I hope Chase thought of that. When we arrived at the door Chase turned the door knob slowly to see if it was locked, and of course it was. So much for escaping tonight, I thought, but then Chase reached down to under the door mat and there was a small brass key laying underneath it. I let out a sigh of relief after I saw that key laying under there. He took it and unlocked the door and we went out and was closing the door when we heard a faint, "hey!".

We looked back through the small crack in the door and saw that it was Matt standing in the narrow hallway. I didn't see Eddy or Tom with him but I bet there hiding where we can't see them so then the can come get us while Matt distracts us. He walked quickly over to the door and pulled it back open while we were trying to close it. He was over all stronger then we were so of course he pulled it from us easily.

"So you guys weren't kidding when you said that you were escaping tonight," Matt stated. All of us didn't say a word we just kind of stared at him.

"Well I know you think I lied to you about being the secret agent and all but I am actually one and I can help you escape tonight," he told us. Then I heard someone stirring in the other room which I guess is either Tom or Eddy, they must have heard us talking to Matt.

"Come on we have to go now if you want to get out of here alive tonight!" he whispered. That made us all go out and start running. When we got to the end of the driveway we could hear Tom yelling at us from the cabin and then they both started chasing after of us. I looked back and noticed that they had guns and they were loading them while they ran towards us. So now we practically had to run for our lives now, unless we wanted to get shot down. I looked over and I saw that Matt had out his cell phone, talking to someone. I could only hear small parts of what he was saying to the person on the phone. I just might have been wrong about him, maybe he wasn't lying, maybe he actually is an undercover agent. I hope he wasn't lying now since we are trying to escape but with him by our side. I was kind of afraid that he was calling Eddy or Tom and telling them where we were headed but the bits and pieces that I got out of the conversation didn't sound like he was talking to either of them.

A loud gun shot rang out and I felt a bullet go whizzing by my ear. They must have started shooting now, and we better be careful or we will all get shot down and then we will be in the same mess all over again. I think just that one shot made everyone run a little bit faster then they were. We ran into the forest where it wouldn't be so easy to see us since it was dark and all, but that sure didn't make it any easier for us not to run into trees and branches. We had ran for about twenty minutes or so, I don't know how we did it though especially in our condition. We had thought we lost them but then we heard another gun shot and that's when I felt a horrible pain in my left shoulder, that's when I realized that I had been shot, I screamed so bloody terrible everyone must have thought a vampire or something came to get me. They all stopped and came back to me, because I had stopped running to because of my injury. I told myself that I would ignore the pain and get to freedom before I could give up.

"Are you okay?" Lane asked very concerned.

"What happened?" Chase questioned.

"They must have found us and they shot me, but we have to keep going or we will never escape," I answered. With that we continued to run for our lives but then I noticed that we must have not been that far from the road since I started to see headlights coming towards us, and then I heard some sirens. They didn't sound like they were really close but it sounded like they were getting closer by the minute.

"And there's the back up," I heard Matt mutter quietly. That confirmed that he must be a secret agent, wow I've been living with an undercover agent but he still stabbed me so I doubt I will totally trust him still.

The sirens were practically right at the spot where we were now. The cars stopped and then shots started to become louder and louder but this time they weren't shooting at us. It looked like it was the police (or maybe someone else from the CIA) against Eddy and Tom. Someone must have come over here because someone whispered in my ear,

"Miss are you alright?" I flinched away from then and then turned around. It was one of the police men, he then looked at my shoulder. My shirt where they had shot me was just totally red now, I did start to feel a tiny bit light headed but it wasn't terrible. I just shook my head in response, since I have been told not to talk to strangers (stranger danger).

"Come with me and we can get you to the hospital," he said quietly. I kind of backed away towards Lane when he said that because I didn't want to leave my friends while this gun fire was going on. Who knows what would happen to them, one of them could be deathly injured, I couldn't bear for that happen while I wasn't there to help.

"Sweetheart, your going to have to come with us or you could die from blood loss," he explained, "Don't worry your friends will be fine they will have to come with us as well, to treat any injuries." That calmed me down a bit but I still didn't want to go with him, I mean he really expected me to just walk right out with him, well that for sure wasn't going to happen. I was starting to get a little bit dizzy though and I was having a hard time keeping upright and not just falling down. The officer noticed and grabbed arm to steady me,

"Miss we are going to have to ask you to come with us now," he exclaimed. Then he picked me up bridal style, which let me tell you if I didn't have this bullet in my shoulder it would be really awkward. He brought me up to the back of an EMS and he put me on a gurney or whatever those things are called, it's not like this hasn't already happened once, so I was used to it by now...not! Right when they were about to tie me down to that gurney I heard a loud yell. I saw it was coming from Lane, I looked closer and saw that he had been shot in the stomach area. I started screaming and trying to get out of those officers grips, I was trying so hard to go over to him. The EMS men were already over there and was already caring him off to another EMS. I was crying, yelling, and totally not cooperating. My vision was already blurred from all of my tears but then it started to go black, and I already knew what was happening, I looked down and saw that someone must have given me a shot. Then I went into another dreamless sleep.

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