Chapter 15

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The gun shots continued on for about 25 minutes. When they stopped it felt like you could cut the tension with a knife. I still didn't have a clue on what was going on out there though. Maybe the police finally came to rescue us, if so I would love to tell them, "It's about time!". All of a sudden 3 strange men came into the room we were locked in. I really couldn't tell if they were police men or not. When they came over to me I tried to scoot away from them, not knowing who they were or what they wanted. "We aren't going to hurt, we are trying to help you," one of the men said in a gentle voice. I still didn't trust them and I wasn't very keen on letting them anywhere near me still as well. One thing I have learned through this journey is that you can only trust certain people. One went behind me and I automatically tensed up, but then I felt that he was cutting the rope that tied my hands together. I could feel that I had rope burn around my wrists from trying to untie the ropes, which never happened. While I had been thinking about the rope burn these guys had already cut all the ropes off of everywhere else and looked like they were examining Lane and Chase. I still didn't feel very confident about trusting them but it seemed to be my only choice at the moment and my only chance at escaping this terrible place.

"Can you stand up?" one of the guys ask me with concern. I try to stand up but my knees give out when I do and I end up on the floor. "Well I will take that as a no," he said. I then felt someone pick me up and start walking through the house. I then saw the police taking Eddy and Tom away in the back of a police car. That just made me so happy I think I actually smiled but I'm not exactly sure still though. The guy carrying me brought me out to a van which made me instantly tense up with just seeing a van. Because as you all might know, nothing ever good has happened to me in a van. He laid me down in the back as said,

"The EMS will be here soon but till they get here I am going to have to ask you if you have any serious wounds that need treating right away?" I thought back to everything that has happened and I didn't really think that I had to many very serious wounds, just the gun shot one. I think he already noticed the wound on my leg from the bullet though because that was where he was looking.

About 10 minutes later I could hear sirens off in the distance and they were getting closer by the minute. When they finally arrived here, it was the ambulance, I'm guessing the once that guy was talking about. I saw a few people go into the house to get Lane and Chase and a couple came over to me. When they came over to me they put me on the gurney and brought me to the EMS. Of course knowing me I fall asleep during all important moments and yes, this was one of those times.

I wake up in a white room, like totally white, I thought I was dead at first but then there was this annoying beeping. Ugh, just shut up already but it wouldn't listen. Then I noticed it was a heart monitor. That would explain why it just refused to listen to my orders. Well someone should give it some lessons on listening to people! Finally, I heard someone come in the room. It was one of the doctors, he had a white jacket on and looked to be in his 50's.

"Well we have gotten the bullet out of your leg but it will be sore for a couple of days, but the pain medicine might make you feel nauseous," he told me.

"When will I get to go home?" I asked

"We need to keep you here for a few more days to make sure everything is recovering properly," he replied.

"How are Chase and Lane?" I asked curiously.

"They are still recovering like you, but there injuries were a quite a bit worse then yours," the doctor told me, "your family will be able to come and visit if you would like?"

"Sure, go ahead and send them in!" I exclaimed. He left and then he came back in with my family. I didn't realize how much I had missed them till now. I felt my eyes started to water and I started to cry, happy tears of course. I saw my little brother, Logan, and that just made me start sobbing uncontrollably. My mom came over to hug me, she was crying as well. I guess they did miss me, awe. I really want to go see Lane and Chase though. I wish they would let me get up to see how they are doing. I hope Eddy and Tom get a life sentence in jail.

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