Chapter 20

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Courtney's Point of View:

We had been sitting in those chairs for almost the whole time we have been here. The only time I have been able to be out of it was when they took me to the basement and I would rather stay in this chair then go back down there. I haven't seem that "secret agent" in a couple of days so I don't know if Eddy and Tom found out or they just don't care about that much. I would probably say that the second one is the correct one, but you never know. This being abducted business is really starting to get old, I mean all you do is get beaten up and left sitting in a chair for a few days. So you can imagine how boring it get's around here. It makes you feel like you've done something wrong and are in jail but the funny part is the people that are holding us here are the ones that need to be in jail. If you need time to think then getting kidnapped is the perfect thing for you! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies though, it really is terrible, even if I am joking about it.

Matt came into the room with someone else a few hours later. To my surprise it was Chase, I was so glad to see him not bloodied up or anything. I noticed that him and Matt had brought us food and water. I was very excited about that since we hadn't had anything for a couple of days now. Chase came over to me and whispered in my ear,

"I am trying to find a way out but I haven't found one quite yet." That did give me hope that Eddy and Tom must have let him start doing stuff around the house or something. I was so excited to see him though, I was probably those happiest I had been through out this whole experience except for the time we got rescued the first time. That was over all the best day ever! Matt untied our hands and feet from the chair and gave us the apple, bread, and water that they had brought. All of the food was just divine, I guess that would be because of the malnutrition and all. Lane looked like he was enjoying it quite a bit too, he had already scarfed his down in just five minutes, which I guess really isn't that short of a time. Unfortunately Chase had to leave with Matt but he didn't leave with out a little protest.

When they both left we had already chugged the water and eaten all of the food. I hoped they would come back with some more soon, since it isn't very nice to hear your stomach rumbling in the middle of the night. Lane and I didn't really talk much after they left. We pretty much just was enjoying not being tied up. I didn't really understand why they had tied us up anyways, I mean we can't get out either way. The door was locked with who knows how many locks and there was like one window that seemed to be bulletproof so we didn't have a chance of escaping without help from outside this room. After all of that food I started to feel sleepy, I bet you can't even guess what I did next. If you said go to sleep then I will tell you that you were right!

I woke up to the door being unlocked by someone. That someone turned out to be Matt, he came over and grabbed by arms. He brought be back down to the basement. I didn't know why he would do this unless Chase had accidentally done something wrong. The weird part was that he just brought me down there then left me. I could hear someone talking upstairs but I couldn't really make out what they were saying. A few moments later Matt and Tom came back down to the basement. The scary thing was that Matt had a knife with him. He had an evil smile on his face, I should have never even thought that he could be a secret agent, since he looks like he is just going to hurt me. I then remembered that my wrists and ankles were bound, so I could make a run for it but then I thought about the punishment that Chase and/or Lane would get. I decided that was a bad idea and I would just endure this instead of trying to save myself. I could overhear a bit of what Tom was saying to Matt.

"If you really want to get into this thing with us you will have to prove that you want to be with us," I heard Tom say.

"Okay, what do I have to do?" he replied.

"Just go and punish her," Tom said evilly.

"What am I punishing her for?"Matt questioned.

"When she tried to run at the hospital, she can get that punishment herself too. The other kid already took a beating for here but that deserved two, so she get's this one," he answered.


"I will come back down in ten minutes and see what damage you've done," he told Matt. Then Tom went back up the stairs and left. Matt came over to me with the knife glistening in the little bit of light that was down there.

"I'm sorry I have to do this but I have no choice," he whispered in my ear. With that he brought the knife up and stabbed me in the leg. When that knife pierced my skin I screamed a blood curtailing scream. Blood started to gush out of my leg and I started to see black dots clouding my vision from the sudden blood loss.

"I really am sorry!" I heard Matt say faintly. Then everything started to get darker and darker till it was all black.

When I woke up I felt the throbbing in my leg, that's when I remembered what Matt had done. I don't think he's a secret agent at all, or he would have done something cool like a spy would do and not do anything to me. I guess you really can't trust anyone these days, of course I kind of did think he was lying all along. I looked around and found out I was back in the same room I had spent too many hours in already. Lane seemed to be taking a nap on the floor, so I didn't bother waking him up, he needed all of the sleep he could get. My goodness, Matt must have really went deep with that knife cause there was blood all over my leg. The one thing that I was happy about was that they didn't tie us up this time. It was much nicer on our wrists and ankles, making them not have any rope burn. I had on a pair of red basketball shorts and a black short sleeve t-shirt. I was so glad to not have jeans on because they would be absolutely gross from all of the blood. I sure did hope that Chase would find a way out of here for all of us that would sure be nice. Because Chase practically was the one who had any chance of getting out of here.


If this all shows up yellow I'm sorry. It's all showing up on here that way at least. Sorry it took so long to upload.

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