Chapter 18

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They had cut into his arm the word "Listen" all in capital letters. It looks like they cut it pretty deep as well. They probably wanted it to scar where he would always have a souvenir from this for the rest of his life. I feel bad for him. I hope he wakes up soon I need to see if he is alright. Thank goodness this stupid people didn't even gag us.

An hour later Lane finally woke up, he was kind of startled when he first woke up, but then I guess he remembered where he was and what had happened because he let out a groan after that.

"You okay there?" I ask gently. He looks over to me with a look of surprise on his face. I guess he didn't know that he was brought into this room.

"Yea, just my arm is a bit sore from the cutting the did," he answered kind of depressed.

"I'm so sorry I made them do that I didn't know that they would do that!" I exclaimed.

"It's fine, they hadn't even lade out the rules when they did it, but now I am a bit afraid to even try to escape just thinking what they would do to any of us," he said cautiously.

"Yea same here, but if you and Chase see an opportunity to get out of here, please take it, I can handle what they would do to me," I beg.

"I don't think either one of us could leave you here with these crazy, evil men. It wouldn't work anyways they would just catch us again and probably end torturing you in front of us," he responded.

"Yeah, I guess it wouldn't really work anyways but you never know it might in the end."

"Maybe, if we are lucky! I don't know how we will get out of here this time though because I mean the police won't probably even think to look at the same house. I guess they wouldn't think that the kidnappers are that think."

"Yeah I don't understand why they didn't move us again. It really doesn't make any since," I stated.

"I know that is kind of odd, and out of the ordinary," he agreed. Right after Lane said this, the door opened and Eddy brought some water in for us. He came over opened the water bottle and put it in my mouth. It was some weird tasting water. Everything started to suddenly get kind of hazy. Oh great, what in the world did they put in that stupid water. I saw that Lane looked like he was kind of out of it, but I couldn't really tell cause I couldn't really make out anything. Then everything started to get darker and darker and I think I started to self consciously scream, I'm not even sure if I actually did scream though, maybe I was just dreaming it. Then everything went black as night.

I woke up to a pain in my lower left leg. I saw that it was bleeding quite rapidly, it looks like someone had stabbed me multiple times with a knife and a pretty large one at that. How about I give you guys three guess who did it? If you said it was Eddy then you would probably be right but I guess it could have been Tom. I kind of doubt it though, he doesn't seem quite as into this kidnapping thing as Eddy is. I just noticed that I wasn't even the same room though, it looked like I was in a basement or a dungeon maybe. It was kind of cold and dreary, and it had cement floors. It looked a lot like our unfinished basement at out house. I do wonder what Chase and/or Lane did to make them do this to me. I do know that whatever they did, they didn't mean to do it. I know that I haven't done anything to make Eddy or Tom hurt the guys at all because I've been passed out for however long that was. I wonder if Lane was out for the same amount of time? Well I guess whatever drug they used differs with the effects on different people. Maybe they didn't give it to Chase or something, I really don't have a clue.

It was about 30 minutes later that someone started walking down the stairs to get to where ever I was. It was some new guy. He looked to be around in his earlier to mid thirties and he was about 6'1 with short brown hair. He looked like he was a body builder or something maybe, even if he wasn't he sure did look like he had the muscle to be one. He walked over to me and looked straight into my eyes. I didn't look at him for long, knowing that he was just going to hurt me just like all of the others. He reached out his hand and I tensed up and flinched away. I was sure that he was going to slap me just like Tom and I knew if he did it now it would just hurt worse then Tom's because now my cheek has a giant bruise on it. This man ended up just pushing some of my hair out of my face, which I found quite odd.

"I don't want to hurt you but I might just have to sometime," he whispered, "I'm an undercover agent for the CIA but your kidnappers think I'm just another man that's as evil minded as they are. I will assure you that I won't hurt you unless they are around and if I don't it will blow my cover. If that does happen I want to say sorry in advance. I am going to get you out of here sooner or later but I don't know how soon that will be." I looked at him with shock I never thought the CIA was even that smart. Well I guess since they are the Central Intelligence Agency and all they would be the one's to send in undercover agents and all. Well I hope he can get us out of here soon, that would be much appreciated. I wonder if he's lying though, he might just be trying to gain my trust where he can take us away from Eddy and Tom and ask for ransom or something.

"Where are you Matt?" I heard Tom yell.

"Just looking at your hostage," this Matt dude said with disgust. Well maybe he isn't on my side after all.

"What you think of her?" Tom asked.

"You could have gotten better," Matt responded. Thanks a lot dude I just met, that comment of yours was just so nice, I thought and rolled my eyes at him. Good thing he didn't notice though just in case he did want to hurt me. After saying that "Matt" went back upstairs, and I was left in this dark basement alone, once again.

It took them a long time to even come back down there and check on me. I guess they knew quite well that I couldn't escape since there weren't any windows or anything. When someone did come back down, it was Matt, and he just came over, picked me up, and carried me across his shoulder. He brought me into the same room I was in before they drugged me. I saw that Lane was still there and Chase was still no where to be seen. Matt put me down in one of the chairs and tied me up to it with rope. After Matt left I thought I might as well take advantage of not having a gag on.

"Well how long was I down there?" I asked Lane.

"About three nights I believe," he responded.

"Oh wow that long? Well did this new guy come talk to you?" I questioned.

"Yea, and no he hasn't said a word to me," he answered.

"Well he told me that he's an undercover agent for the CIA but I don't think he is though. He looked like he might be just as mental as the rest of them," I whispered.

"Oh really? I doubt that as well, when did the CIA ever get that smart? They never thought of that when we were captured last time," he said surprisingly.

"Yeah, I know, and I thought that maybe he is trying to gain our trust to try and escape with him but he will actually bring us somewhere else and ask our parents for ransom or something," I told him.

"Well if that is his plan I will never get away, because you already know about my parents. They would never actually spend money on me," he sadly remembered.

"Yeah well let's just hope that never happens. Have you seen Chase at all?" I asked curiously.

"No, I was hoping you might have seen him maybe where ever you were," he responded.

"Nope, I didn't see him at all. I truthfully haven't seen him since we were abducted again," I stated.

"Oh well I sure do hope that they haven't done anything to him."

"Me too," I agreed. We really didn't continue on with the conversation after that. We just kind of sat there and stared at the wall. Not eating for a few days had finally caught up with me. My stomach started to growl and my mouth felt like it was as dry as a desert. There goes all of that weight I gained, I thought to myself. I felt like my whole body had been taken over by fear of something happening to any of us. I started shaking in the fear of that happening, but then I finally calmed myself down, thank goodness. I really do hope Chase is okay though, because I haven't seen him since we got back to this dreadful place.


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